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8 years ago
Aug 18, 2017, 8:15:37 AM


Corruption is a cumulative phenomenon that accompanies every empire, it is impossible to stop it, you can only reduce the speed of growth as much as possible. The effects of corruption will depend on the "gameplay affinity" and "visual affinity" chosen for the faction. There is corruption, imperial and colonial. The effects of imperial corruption depend more on the chosen "gameplay affinity", colonial corruption is more dependent on the chosen "visual affinity". Corruption will have several levels (5) increasing its effect on reaching each level. 

I started working on this mechanics and here are a few mockups.

This is how I see the presentation of corruption on the screen "Empire summary":

And "colony corruption" in star "system management screen"

This is how I see the influence of different types of government:

"Shipbound" faction:

"Goverment Stagnation" - one of the main factors for accelerating the growth of imperial corruption. This value has almost no effect at the beginning of the establishment of any government (at the beginning of the game), but the longer the value becomes greater. In addition to changing the government, which completely nulls this factor, the change of the ruling political party can help. The change of the ruling political party reduces this factor to a certain amount.

This is an approximate representation of all factors affecting the rate of corruption in the colony:

(Amout of population + Number of population types + Bonuses to corruption from some types of population + Presence and number of deposits of resources + Presence and quantity of luxury deposits + (Number of trade routes passing through the system + income of these trade routes) + Representation of the ruling party + Quests and events + Anomalies) * (Coefficient of approval rating * Coefficient of range * Quests and events) = Number of corruption points per turn

Fight corruption can be through laws, improvements and heroes skills.Some quests and events can also help. Perhaps some factions will be more resilient to this phenomenon than others, but about this in the next update.

Here is beginning of table of effects of corruption (effects from "gameplay affinity"). Table has a lot more to add, but later. All the values have only one goal - to show the impact of corruption. I'm not a game designer and I'm not going to put the exact values that would satisfy the notorious "balance" criteria.

Like my other ideas, this one will also be supplemented from time to time.

Sorry for my english.


General thread -  Various ideas, more ideas in future

Other ideas:

"Biological warfare" concept

System invasion rework

More "hotkeys" and keys combination

Consequences of a long siege and using "preemptive bombing"

Population composition of troops

Improved pirate ground invasion

New type of quests (Confrontation)


Updated 6 days ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

While "corruption" and "distance from capital" mechanics are a staple of 4X games, we feel that this is beyond the vision for ES2. Losses of efficiency for large empires can already be caused by Expansion Disapproval.


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8 years ago
Aug 18, 2017, 12:35:15 PM

I like the idea a lot, but i feel that very very frustrating to not be able to decrease it, but only slow its progression. There is also even in "real life" that erase the corruption of governments (most of the time a total change of a governement).

I upvtoe anyway. This is a very intersting idea in a political oriented game.

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8 years ago
Aug 19, 2017, 6:05:21 AM
SuperMarloWorld wrote:

I like the idea a lot, but i feel that very very frustrating to not be able to decrease it, but only slow its progression. There is also even in "real life" that erase the corruption of governments (most of the time a total change of a governement).

I upvtoe anyway. This is a very intersting idea in a political oriented game.

That's right, I'll think more about this mechanics. In future updates there will be more explanations and mockups of improvements and etc (maybe "gameplay affinity" for the future major faction based on this mechanic).

Thanks for vote :)

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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

While "corruption" and "distance from capital" mechanics are a staple of 4X games, we feel that this is beyond the vision for ES2. Losses of efficiency for large empires can already be caused by Expansion Disapproval.

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4 years ago
Feb 9, 2021, 11:21:19 PM

Amplitude Studios,

Players have been complaining for ages about the oppressive nature of the Overcolonization mechanic, perhaps replacing it with a Corruption mechanic could be the answer to that problem. I understand the point of Overcolonization penalties is to prevent empires from becoming too large and easily overpowering all the others, but this mechanic would essentially do the same thing, making your empire more and more difficult to manage the larger it gets, being more of a challenge, rather than a barricade. I feel like this gameplay mechanic could have been a part of the Vaulters DLC, seeing how that one does not add a lot of significant gameplay changes, and would go along with the pirate diplomacy mechanic. But in any instance it's something to consider.


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