How to respond when an allience member makes a treaty that runs countrairy to the others intrest. For example one member of my alliance unilaterally accepted an unfavorable truce with an enemy faction, which was on the verge of being defeated. A faction should not be forced to automatically accept what another alliance member agrees to unilaterally. No more unilateral dessionmaking in alliences!
My suggestion is that the mechanics of Alliance diplomacy change. An alliance should only agree to treaties concerning all members, such as a truce, if all the members agree if some dissagree then they have the option to leave the alience. If a Majority is dissatisfied with a truce agreed to by one (or a minority) then they (the one or minority) is given the option of refusing the truce or keeping it and leaving the alliance.
If a faction (or a minority of factions) is dissatisfied with a truce agreed to by the majority of alliance members then the former have the option to leave the alliance rather than accept.
Members of an alience could also trade with each other in moduals or system improvments that could only be found by exploring curiousities
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Space Fanatic
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