So i like really long games in 4x stategy. I mean im talking like 300-500+ turns long and i find that events and quests slow down a bit late game. As all of the nodes get explored there is less to scan, less to discover, and less to do asside to fight and trade with the major factions. (which is all fun and good) I just think that late game exploration could be just as much fun, if not more so, thanearly game exploration with some higher difficulty challenges.

So first off are quests. It took me a while to figure out how to make some interesting and impactful quests that may change the way you usually play so heres a couple ideas on how to do that.

 make population issue quests based on decisions your empire has made.

Things that prompt population to issue a quest or an event could be some of the followed.

  • Who have you gone to war with, how long have you been fighting?
  • Have you commited genocide (eliminated major faction) Is the politcal opinion of your population Agree with that? Do they hate it?
  • have you been aggressively exploring the unkown. How many curriosities have you seached in the last 10 turns.
  • Have you made and allience with another empire. Were you good friends before hand? Did you use to be at war with them? 

Hows your approval rating? Are your people estatic? Are they in rebellion?

Those are a few of the many ways your polulation can trigger an event/quest. Now some examples on events and quests. (Im not sure what the best way to balance this would be so the numbers i list are only place holders that give an idea on what im talking about)


1.) War fatigue: 

  • trigger: Your empire has been at war with another for 25 turns. (15 if pacifists in senate, cravers imune)
  • Objective: Sign truce with said empire within 10 tuns.
  • Result: Success, plus 50 approval for 10 turns. Faliure, Minus 25 approval for 15 turns.

2.) To worlds Unknown:

  • Explored 10 new systems or 20 new curiosities within 20 turns.
  • Objective, explore 5 marked systems and searchy all curiosities on them
  • Result:Success, aquire unique support module to aid in exploration (probes or engine) Faliure,scientific opinion takes a severe drop.


 1.) The cost of genocide:

  • Trigger: Eliminated major faction from the game through military might.
  • Result: (if pacifist is in senate) military opinion severly drops, 80% chance to cause political crisis. If plotical crisis triggered then minus 50 approval for 15 turns. (if militerist) plus 50 approval for 5 turns. weapon damage increased for 10 turns.

2.) An Unlikely allience.

  • Trigger: If at peace with empire for 50 turns or have been in an extended war with a faction youve fromed an allience with.
  • Rusult: if at peace with an allince member for 50 turns prior plus 5% dust and Science from trade routes and plus 10 approval when you destroy enemy fleets above ally systems. If previously at war with allience member 50 % cahnce to causde political crisis. if crisis occurs then a quest will be givin to leave the allience within 10 turns.

So those are a couple ideas. i realize that these ideas are a bit rough around the edges and like i said earlier i dont know if the numbers i gave would be a good fit or utterly break game balance. all it was meant to do was spak some ideas on how late game quests and events can be more fun and exciting as well as impactful. If the devs manage to work it in the game i think that would be cool.