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7 years ago
Aug 26, 2017, 1:50:05 AM

Late in the game, after completing the research Tree, science points become irrelevant. Here is my suggestion to make science points relevant late in the game. 

After completing the research tree, science points could be used on an "infinite research" option for discovering modules, battle tactics, and system improvements that cannot come from the research tree. The modules, battle tactics, and buildings that can only be used by exploring curiosities or completing quests could also be discovered at random times through scientific research after completing the research tree. 

The more scientific points a player has, the greater the chance of discovering a new module or system improvement (if its a curiosity module or system improvement it would have to have been discovered by another faction before being available for discovery via infinite research) on infinite research. Infinite research could also lead to the discovery of faction wide improvements. 

If a player has a high number of populations from different major faction there could be a chance of discovering the unique system improvements from other factions. 

Updated 3 days ago.
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7 years ago
Oct 20, 2017, 8:25:13 PM

I'd rather not give opportunity to study ALL techs in the game, decreasing role of exploring. Instead, it could be maintaining one of global bonuses to emphasise your play style

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7 years ago
Oct 21, 2017, 6:46:31 PM

While I'm not so certain about having improvements be the reward I'd love some way to pump my Science in to other areas. Maybe make it so that you can choose to queue up an infinite Science cost tech near the end of each quadrant that gives a boost based on the quadrant? For example, being at the end of the right quadrant would let you invest in "Endless Capitalism" for a boost to Dust and Industry?

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7 years ago
Oct 21, 2017, 8:18:37 PM

After players finished researching all the techs it unlocks a new endless tech tree. Select category miltary, empire development, science and exploration and which bonus you want to improved.

Almost everything can be improve, small bonus for each completion to dust, research, industry, food, influence, dust deflation, slug, missle, beam and laser damage etc.

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7 years ago
Oct 25, 2017, 8:09:45 PM

Now a new endless tech tree would be amazing! 

It could easily count for a DLC if the tech tree is empire unique.

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7 years ago
Oct 25, 2017, 9:19:23 PM

Wow, wow. Are you suggesting to create and balance +7 tech trees? Let's be more realistic

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7 years ago
Oct 27, 2017, 2:05:00 PM

I agree it's a little far fetched... doesn't make it less cool tho! 

Realistic would be only 1 extra tech tree, but I wont pay for it unless it's as big as what we have now.

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6 years ago
Oct 1, 2018, 10:48:04 AM

Maybe something that converts Science into one of the other FIDI like we have with "Convert % of industry to Dust/Science". 

Or even be specific like:

"Infinite Military Research" decreases Industry and/or Strategic Resources cost of ships by X%

"Infinite Science/Exploration Research" increasese Movement Speed and Vision by X

"Infinite Empire Development Research" increases Happiness / Pop Bonus / boosts Laws  

"Infinite Economy/Trade Research" increases Trade Route Value and/or Trade Route Resource income or Strategic/Luxary income

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