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Bring back wonder planets. Unique planet bonuses.

System ManagementMultiplayerGalaxy GenerationEconomy

7 years ago
Sep 11, 2017, 8:03:26 AM

ES2 is still void of wonders. Now sure, you could argue that unique planets are in the game, and some of the ES1 natural wonders are now anomalies, but do they really count as wonders? The unique planets are simply planets with bonuses to population output. And the anomalies are weaker passive effects when compared to the original. Beyond The Academy, there is not a single noteworthy, or memorable planet in the game, except Auriga given its history with Amplitude. In ES1 you had highly valuable natural wonders and constructible wonders that stood out on the galaxy view. Natural wonders from the original, such as Dust Nebula or Tree of Worlds, have been downgraded to something insignificant by comparison. Hell, the UI doesnt even promote things effectivly. It is entirely possible to miss a system you own that has the Tree of worlds.

Sadly, planets that have retained their wonder-like status, such as Aruiga, have also been horrendously downgraded to a forgettable status. Husk of knowledge used to be a wonder you had to rebuild. In ES1 It would massively bonus the planet once completed. A total of 10 science per pop, 2 population, and 20 happiness from the construction alone. In ES2 the full bonus is divided between the planet and now anomaly, husk of knowledge. It does not require rebuild, therefore you don’t need to remember it or focus on it in anyway. Adding to the “who cares” factor, it only gives a pathetic 5 science per pop. What happened to husk of knowledge? It seems to have received a lobotomy. Aruiga now gives a 12 dust, 7 influence and 2 science (7 with husk), which does nothing to set it apart from other unique planets. It’s a planet which has seen more glorious days, now out of its prime.

Compare Aruiga to Kryos, a barren planet which provides a total of 12 science, 10 influence, and 5 dust, with a horrendous happiness penalty. First off, almost all wonder planets in ES1 provided a positive happiness bonus. Nothing says wonders don’t exist in ES2 like a massive happiness debuff when attempting to live on one. Or Kryos to Tor, a tundra planet which provides 12 influence, 10 dust, 2 science, and 2 food, with a minor happiness penalty. Or again, Tor to Veil or Sakagoja, same story, every time. The question is, what truly makes you WANT either of these planets? If you answered with a meh, or tried to overly justify your choice by juggling the happiness penalty with the other bonuses, you are showing why these planets are “meh”. There is no specific need to have any of these planets. Sure, they give some nice population advantages over a typical planet, therefore they are a great planet to secure when starting a system. But when it comes to tactics, there is nothing truly outstanding about any of these rocks. 

I propose that every unique planet gains either a system or empire wide bonus, just like in ES1. As such we could implement planets which grant troop damage bonus when defending, or attacking. A planet that bonuses hero experience. A planet that grants EXP to ships upon construction and slowly over time in orbit. A planet that grants a massive sight radius. A planet that grants % improvement for gas planets. A planet that grants resource generation. A planet that grants usage of hidden wormholes that only the people with the planet can use or see. The possibilities are endless.

Finally, in order to reinforce the element of tactics, a bonus granted empire wide, should translate to any alliances the owner is a part of. 

Much love.


Updated 9 days ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 20, 2017, 5:45:27 AM


On top of all of this, some unique-planet related quests would also be nice.

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