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Cinematics for all races

VictoryScreenMajor FactionsGUI

7 years ago
Sep 13, 2017, 10:53:48 PM


Great game. I just finished my first game: got a victory, I  mean. The game was superb. I love the style, the charts, everything. The  only thing I missed is some additional cinematics.

I'd suggest  you to make this game more immersive by adding  some cinematics for  Vodyani, Unfallen, etc. When we colonize a planet (whether this is by extending our space branches or by anchoring an Arc, or whatever means all the races use), we could see some basic animations, like the one we see when a "normal" ship colonizes a planet, i.e. that landfall cinematics, showing the planet and the ship going through its atmosphere.

I'd  also would like to ask a basic cinematics for each victory type... this  ones like the ones we see at the beggining of a game (when we choose our race and start the game). I don't mean to have one victory type for each race,  no... just an animation for economic victory, another for supermacy  victory, etc, instead of a popping-up still image. I must say although I won a game, that static intruding image was a total anti-climax, as bad as if, for instance, I got just a "game over, you won" message.

Thanks for all the attention to this great game.

PS: Just another 5 cents: this immersion I'm telling you about is what sometimes differentiates a "so so" game from a great game. It's like reading a  book or watching a movie: if the end is bad, we tend to ignore the  journey and label it accordingly. That's why so similar games of 4x  genre have players like me considering ones great and the others "just  full of unrealized potential". Sometimes players prefer one over the  other without even realizing this immersion factor doing its work.  Well... that's my view of the subject. I like Endless Space 2, but if I  had had these extra animations/cinematics, I'd have just left the game with an "woooow"  sensation. ;)

Updated 5 days ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 26, 2017, 8:17:47 PM

Hi there!

More cinematics are a great idea (and the devs shouldn't underestimate their impact on a game's playability). I'd just like to say that there are at least some end-game cinematics, which (I think) trigger after you've completed the final Academy quest arc. I've only played one game where I finished that quest and then won the game, playing as the UE, and saw a cool video at the end. Other victories that occurred without completing the quest, or with the quest deactivated, left me with a mere victory screen. 

If you haven't played Endless Legend, I'd recommend it. There are fewer in-game videos but overall it is more immersive than ES2 at this point in this game's development cycle. It is a highly enjoyable experience - the audio and visuals are absolutely stellar.

Back on topic: I'd love to see new colonization vids for the more unusual methods of colonization - what exactly does a Riftborn colonization venture look like, especially when they use their strategic resource boosters to speed growth? Does the Lumeris spending a bunch of dust to start colonization of a system w/o nearby ships mean that they're buying local labor for it - contracting out the colonization process? How do Celestial Vines gain control of a system (and can we have cinematics for when a full system is Vined, including special nodes such as black holes)? What about the Vodyani - there must be some celebration or religious ritual when an Ark anchors to a new system, so why don't we get to view a glimpse of it?

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