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Advanced Peace Treaties (War Fatigue, Maybe Diplomatic Pressure)


7 years ago
Sep 16, 2017, 1:13:05 AM

As of right now we have a war fatigue system, but it does very little beyond occasionally forcing peace. I think that perhaps, when war fatigue reaches a certain threshold, special diplomatic agreements are available alongside a peace deal, for example:

  • Systems that are not 100% controlled are returned to the original owner
  • Systems that are not 100% controlled are set to 100% controlled
  • The "losing" side becomes some sort of tributary
  • resources are offered
  • some sort of longer term truce
  • a treaty that increases the upkeep of ships or makes them have a slight influence upkeep
  • ect. ect.

Demands have to be balanced in order to work, but just making peace can contribute to making demands balanced based on war fatigue.

If War Fatigue gets to 100% in someones favor demands can be forced the same as normal peace, but at a very high influence cost. It could be possible to force plain truces at a lower War Fatigue threshold.

So the thresholds for War Fatigue would be:

  1. negotiating demands is possible
  2. forcing demandless peace is possible
  3. forcing demands is possible

Some ideas that could maybe be implemented in this system:

Some more powerful demands cannot be forced

Political parties could unlock special demand options, or give bonuses or modifications to preexisting ones that either are applied by you or onto you (Ex. Religious Party has "conversion" demand that drains influence from victim to demander)

Updated 4 days ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 14, 2017, 11:32:03 AM

Good idea. This seems like a nice way to make the consequences of war more serious and long-lasting. 

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