ok, this is a idea that would create considerable rework, however it does open up more strategic decisions basaed on the resources your empire is given.

This idea stems from the balance difficulties the game is currently experiencing in 1.060.

Onto the idea.

pool shields and armor into a single defense mechanic.


 by having armor function as mild damage reduction of all types. While at the same time allowing armor to increase the base hp of the designed ship

I would then like to see a ships repair cost directly assiociated with its hit points, therefore a tank ship could take much more damage and be repairable at greater cost.  This fits with the lore, as i can imagine dust and constructionalist empires  IE united empire, lumens, unfallen.

Shields, would then absorb X of all types of damage but not offer a hp boost.  Instead they would reload during each range flottilla change.  It would dramatically increaae the damage they can absorb however if the shields ever dropped during a phase the ship would be fragile.  This would allow the contruction of the infamous glass cannon designs, something that i think fits with the sophon riftborn and potentially horatio designs.

Having all defense modules have different effects but absorb or defend against all types of damages would encourage multiple designs, and you could gain use from the targeting and jamming modules.  This would also encourage the use of lane flotilla shield ships to decrease repair costs on a armor driven fleet.  Assuming of course the flottila shields are buffed to a point of usefullness. 

This does not take away from the rock paper scissor aspect of combat, it would instead encourage the use of all the tools we are provided along the different ships and ship classes.  You could load the long range flotillas with your glass cannons, the short range tanks to either sink damage from a enemies beams ect, while using the resources your empire has been given access too.  This would help carriars surVivability because as ive discovered flight time for fighters and bombers has been a issue.  

This would also help the devolopers balance the weapons, 

I know ive been at this issue for a while, but this was a thought that crossed my mind.  A balanced game will increase the fun factor for everybody, eapecially those who play single player as well.  Anyways, this was just a thought, curious to what everybosy else thinks.