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Very non-humanoid Major faction

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7 years ago
Oct 12, 2017, 4:53:09 PM

Add a major faction (in expansion, dlc, or update) that is very far from humanoid (farther than the Unfallen), such as something similar to the Amoeba or something like a cepholapod or crustacen. Non-humanoids are always very cool to see, and being able to play as one is even better. While it's great that the Unfallen and Riftborn aren't very humanoid, they still do have fairly humanoid aspects.

Updated 3 days ago.
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7 years ago
Oct 13, 2017, 1:16:24 AM

Sounds great! It was not that much fun to have several factions of same humans humans humans in Endless Space 1. Here Amplitude did good work of creating more differences between them, that's great! Why not take it sevel steps further? Great idea, would like to see something like hypothesized silica based life forms.

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7 years ago
Oct 15, 2017, 10:24:10 PM

That sounds great as well! It could open up great ways of interacting with colonizing and terraforming, like how the riftborn only like sterile planets. Atmospheric differences could be a way to do that, like specifying if a planet is high in oxygen, nitrogen, or carbon and having happiness penalties and boosts based on species compatability.

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7 years ago
Oct 16, 2017, 6:38:08 PM

I would love a faction that are giant ballons that live in gas planets.

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