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Ship Movement Cost at Destination Mouse Over


7 years ago
Oct 19, 2017, 4:14:43 PM

One of the things I really don't like about moving fleets around is that I dont know how many turns a fleet will take to reach its destination before I actually send them on their way.  It would be nice to select a fleet, then hover over various destinations and either a tooltip provides how many turns, or a dynamic route is painted on the map highlighting how they would travel and how long it will take.

Updated 9 days ago.
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7 years ago
Oct 19, 2017, 7:38:53 PM

That's  a very good idea, the fact that we cannot do it in the current game can be very annoying sometimes

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7 years ago
Oct 21, 2017, 10:01:35 PM

If you Hold-LeftMouse button I think it tells you the turns without initiating movement. Is this what you mean?

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7 years ago
Oct 24, 2017, 8:30:05 PM

Yes, figured this out...but not very elegant.  Would be nice if it would automatically just draw the route and you move the mouse around the map.

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7 years ago
Oct 25, 2017, 3:14:06 PM
PentiumF0ur wrote:

If you Hold-LeftMouse button I think it tells you the turns without initiating movement. Is this what you mean?

Thanks. I didn't know that :)

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7 years ago
Oct 27, 2017, 2:53:36 AM

Just picked up the game within last month, was a frustrating 2 weeks before I figured out how to do this.

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