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Make the Lodestone Systems neutral zones!!


7 years ago
Nov 14, 2017, 8:05:37 PM

it is as simple as the title. To prevent having to break alliances change your whole diplomatic ties to finish the academy quest, make all the lodestone systems neutral ground. So any fleet can engage any other!

If you have to take on a allied members fleet, you should be penalized in some way, influence econ, dust, maybe cost of the fleet given back from your empire on a per turn dust number taken from your own...  The details are negotiable. But some kind of pennance.

Most importantly make the lodestones neutral so you can destroy whoever needs to be destroyed.

Updated 23 days ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 15, 2017, 4:03:37 AM

You can already research the privateers tech, send them there and clean the system of your allies that don't have the same allignement.

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7 years ago
Nov 15, 2017, 7:40:24 AM

True, but not being able to design privateer fleets keeps them at a strength that is difficult to manage a lodestone with.

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7 years ago
Nov 18, 2017, 10:22:54 PM

I agree privateers are lackluster and could use some rework (not being able to assign a Hero to fleet makes them really uncompetitive on top of not being able to use conventional invade tactics), but I think if Amplitude gave them some love it would fix the lodestone issue.

Also you can sell your own ships and rebuy them on the market and they'll be able to be used as privateers, so you can design privateers.

Updated 7 years ago.
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