I really missed my chance during the Create a Faction contest - I was too shy and even more lazy! But I would love to see people at least consider my idea:
New Major Faction: The Bombus
A highly intelligent, good aligned, pacifist Insectoid race inspire by Bumblebees. The name is the Genus name for the common bumblebee and to me sounds like an alien race as is. My inspiration is in response to the extremely cliche view of insect-based species being portrayed in science fiction as evil with no counterpoint. The Bombus are the good guys! Like their namesake, they just want to do their own thing, all glory to the Hive. That isn't to say they're defenseless, but the main playstyle is to seek growth and prosperity without needed bloodshed. Give us your flowers, not your corpses!
Playstyle/Unique Mechanic - Host and Hive: Planetary Cohabitation
I envision the Bombus as living inside planets near the core (where it's warm) without the need for developing the planet's surface. With this mechanic, I would like to see The Bombus co-inhabit worlds with other factions who control the surface. In exchange for allowing the hive to inhabit a world's core, The Bombus would also be obligated to contribute to the planet's defense. They would engage in immense trade with their roommate factions as well as protect their shared home.
The surface faction would ALWAYS have the ability to end the relationship, sealing off the Hive - If the world was first inhabited by The Bombus, this would lead to either strategic abandonment of a Hive or trigger a defensive war. If the surface faction originally owned the planet, this would trigger The Bombus to either peacefully leave or declare an aggresive war. This all means Trade on a Planetary Level with huge implications for the future of both host and hive. Players may choose to openly seek to inhabit friendly worlds or risk great loss by seeking hives within worlds controlled by devious factions.
Secondary Unique Mechanic: Hallowed or Hollowed Ground: Terraforming Focus
In addition, The Bombus player would choose how their inner production/development effects the planets' surfaces. Their labor inside an inhabited world could either lead to easily terraformed paradises (Hallowed), or through aggresive overuse the slow decay into barren wastes as resources are devoured from within (Hollowed). This would be the big tradeoff/risk to factions who allow The Bombus into their worlds' cores - they could either spell the beginning of enhanced worlds OR the downfall of an entire planet's ecosystem. This gives the Bombus player immense power to be used wisely (or ruthlessly). Strategically, The Bombus can use their presence to heal Barren worlds towards a paradise or expedite planetary loss - the eventual Implosion of a world into an anomaly (like an asteroid field).
Proposed Narrative/Backstory: The Queen is Dead
At game start, the previous faction leader has died. The new Queen must decide the future of her Hive. Some of her advisors seek isolationism, peace by silence and mystery. Others advocate expansion, peace through trade, influence and shared prosperity with other factions.
Ship Design/Military Prowess:
As interior world dwellers, the Bombus ships would be defense minded and high in hull and shield points - they have to withstand the immense heat and pressure of planetary cores after all. However, they would be slow like Bumblebees, and geared more towards being fighter/bomber carriers than having outward weapons if at all. Graphically, a nice slow pulsing catacomb design on hulls would be cool to look at, suggestive of both activity inside and their insectoid nature.
Thank you so much for reading this, just having people consider it is a big win to me.
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