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Coalition Government bonuses


7 years ago
Nov 19, 2017, 10:46:23 PM

For Government types with more than one party the could be a small bonus based on the two parties involved. give it a funkey name fo flavour and if you want to be awkward buff to the smaller parties influence actions.

For example:

Pacafist + Militarist = "Walk softly and carry a big stick" bonus to diplo and discount for ship production

Industialist + Religious = "machine cult" small buff to cash when building industrial 

Dictatorships would get a smaller unity of vision buff for the party

Democracies get two based on the largest paries interactions with the others

Updated 5 months ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 21, 2017, 5:50:19 AM

This is genious. But I think opposite types, such as ecologists+industrialists, and religious+scientists, should face penalties, not bonusses. Such a system is inherently unstable, with them following contradictory goals. This makes the elections more challenging, something I think the game needs. 

Do you think your idea should be implemented with one dominant party and one weaker one? Or if no party has a majority? For instance, will coalitions apply with a 60% industrialists and 40% ecologist (in theory this is not a coalition), or if both industrialist and ecologist have less than 50%? Although less realistic, I think the former option should be chosen. Otherwise it becomes too complicated with minority coalitions and stuff.

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7 years ago
Nov 26, 2017, 8:23:39 PM

Thanks mate. Could be fun to have a penalty for competing ideas. But then again grand coalitions sometimes make for the most professional governments. Perhapse the game could do a oin toss to decide if the government was stable or unstable if they are ideologies that are opposite. Either way there could be a random event where the government collapses you could get an early election and a money generation penlty for 5 turns.

For democracies the coin toss could be over wheather you get the second benefit or not.

Updated 7 years ago.
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