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Automatic terraforming, surveying curiosities and counteracting anomalies on automation policy

System ManagementScreenGUIGame options

7 years ago
Nov 23, 2017, 2:38:35 PM

When you set automation policy,you suppose that it will make everything like you want...in fact it will not. It's not surveing curiosities,not terraforming planets,not counteracting anomalies,not building hapiness buildings if it's set on any of FIDS... Implement this functions in automation,because of that playing wide is hard on micromanagement.

So i propose for automation policy to:

1. Automate surveing of anomalies(most important one) on automation policy set to on.

2. Building up happiness system upgrades,and it need to be top priority in building queue when hapiness of planet is very low,and it's less than 3 turns to build.

3. Proper use of "Industry to dust", "Industry to science", "Industry to food" on atomation policy.

The terraforming process is too complicated,and I believe someone want to use Lava planets instead of jungle ones,so it's out of question for now.

Updated 22 days ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 24, 2017, 5:48:18 PM

Very true. And dont forget the industry=dust or industry=science improves. When I have an improvement that allows me to transform my industry into dust, the AI never activates it. I have to put it manually. In late game, my systems can have the empty construction train, missing this technology. Activate this in 20 systems is annoying.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 24, 2017, 10:17:09 PM

Yeah,that also need to be done. I cannot understand why in game made to full release by amplitude this basical thing is not implemented,despite it was present from the start in ES and EL. Also,we need "military" automation policy,aswell as "balanced". I know that specialisation is needed in ES2,but hey,sometimes i just want to click (end turn) without any hard decisions.

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7 years ago
Nov 24, 2017, 10:43:58 PM

When you set automation policy,you suppose that it will make everything like you want...

I used to think the same about Santa Claus.

 It's not terraforming planets

What and when and how to terraform is complicated matter even for an actual player.

not building hapiness buildings if it's set on any of FIDS...

Should it? If you'd take an effort to describe in detail a legit algorithm as to how should computer determine if it should mix in a hapinnes building into que, given, at best, an input "keep happines at any/content/happy/ecstatic" then it indeed would make for an idea. 

It's not surveing curiosities, not counteracting anomalies

That should indeed be impemented as checkboxes "curiosities yes/no, anomalies yes/no".


To bad that actual ready to implement ideas drown in flood of... this.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 25, 2017, 8:04:26 AM

What and when and how to terraform is complicated matter even for an actual player.

That is true.

Should it? If you'd take an effort to describe in detail a legit algorithm as to how should computer determine if it should mix in a hapinnes building into que, given, at best, an input "keep happines at any/content/happy/ecstatic" then it indeed would make for an idea.

I did not know that it was necessary to have programming knowledge to give an idea. It is enough for the AI to build happiness improvements if two conditions are met: The happiness of the system is very low, and the construction train is empty.

That should indeed be impemented as checkboxes "curiosities yes/no, anomalies yes/no".

Why is it better to add buttons and options to the game? What's wrong with the AI investigating curiosities on its own? In no case the player would want the opposite.

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