It would be great if there was an option to lock the game after a certain number of turns.  Something like 30, 50 and 70 or whatever would be needed.I find that after a certain number to turns you get into the game and there is almost a rhythm.  If a player has to leave for any reason it can be a huge drag on resources when there is an open spot and players are popping in and out to see if it’s a game they want to play.  I am all for including players, but after a certain point in the game adding players is a huge drain on resources and the end turn progression.In addition it is also a slippery slope where one player leaves, the constant revolving door of loading and unloading makes it more likely that players will leave as they become impatient and the immersion is broken.

I would imagine an extra slider in the options as you set up a game where you set it to automatically lock the game from the public at the chosen turn number.