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Add an Agressivity Customization

Major FactionsMilitary

7 years ago
Dec 1, 2017, 10:51:48 PM

I have recently bought the game, it is greatly structurated, and the UI is amazing. However I am disappointed, the aggressivity of the AI is inexistant. 

The difficulty customization, only gives them money and cheats, which makes the overall quests unreachable, frustating and annoying. Basically, it is only customization between boring to death to unreachable quests, also boring.

Even if a human player declares war to an AI, that AI doesnt build any attacker ship or float, they only wait until they lose all their planets, and send messages to human player declaring how bullyied they are. Honestly, pathethic.

There are no floats patrolling their boarders to provide protection regardless the difficulty. The only floats patrolling across the galaxies are pirates.

Basically, if it were not becuase of the online games, which is actually low, there is no fun in this game. Unfortunately, for a new player who has recently bought the game, the only way to actually learn to play it without delaying other people is single game. Consequently, single player is stablished as large undetailed tutorial.

I know that setting the difficulty is not easy, but it must not be just a matter of economical cheatings for an AI that will not use them anyway. The fact is that even thought the game is new, the lack of players is huge, and there is going to be no more new players, which means you will lose money, until this be fixed. 

Basically, a periodical fleet should be created for AI players, the same way as it is for reavers and pirates, and sent towards other player's boarder systems +/-2 systems, configurable by customization settings. The period of the fleet should be stated by the System Industry Production of the owner SIP, racial aggessivity index RCI,  hostility conditions HC with player in that boarder and a constant determinied by the agressivity customization AC. The size of the fleet can be determinied by the turn, as it is for piratess

Maybe something like this

                               AC                   1

Period = ----------------------  * ----

                 1+ (SIP/200) + RCI        HC

This is a great game, and it deserves much more atention, the lore and the races are well structurated, and differentiated. I really think that the lack of agressiviness is killing the single player, and it may be a great impact to a new player to play multiplayer directly.

Updated 16 days ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 2, 2017, 5:28:41 PM

If you play on harder modes they do attack but there is apparently a bug which is why they don't build larger ships soon enough which may change things a little but I would like to see them build more ships faster.

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