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Keywords for Research


7 years ago
Dec 2, 2017, 8:40:08 PM

Pretty simple idea. Update the research page's search function to include more keywords!

Things to include

 - Faction names, allowing you to search your factions unique or tweaked technologies easily.

 - Happiness, granted there isn't a lot of popularity happiness tech in the tree but it'd be nice to find.

 - Manpower
 - Influence
 - Production or Industry
 - Population / Food
 - Dust

 - Trade

 - Victory

Added 12/7

 - Luxury
 - Strategic

Also, if there could be a page or tab in the research screen to show the unique technologies you've unlocked through quest, events, or, probes, that'd be nice. If it is in there make it easier to find because I can't find it.

Also, I notice the tree is somewhat color coded but if you could include an option to increase the contrast

Updated 14 days ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 22, 2017, 8:45:14 PM

Well, good QoL improvement.

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7 years ago
Feb 11, 2018, 9:35:13 AM

I'm actually struggling with getting any keywords to work on the research page.
Are there keywords or is just a text search?

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