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Brand New Ship Experiance

Space BattlesShip DesignMilitary

7 years ago
Dec 4, 2017, 11:12:12 PM

Ship experience system is too minimal and I want it to be more vital for space battle. Why ? Because in a real battle crew experiance would be one of the most important factors, However in es2 I dont mind my ships' experiences much. even if I do I can't calculate their effects.

1- First of all we need more efficient and realistic effects for ship ranks...
-Module efficiency: It's Basic a veteran crew would use ships weapons better than rookies.
-Veteran slots: Extra slots may require a specific ship rank to be effective.

-Tactic choosing: Some battle tactics may require a ship rank to use. Thence I dont use my rookie ship in my more experienced fleet.

2- New rank level for master degree crews:

-Master Degree fleets can use some special tactics.
-Master Degree flotillas gain some bonus.
-Master Degree Ships can use some special modules.
-Master Degree fleets can use some race specific abilities such as a Mavros battle tactic.

-One random bonus for ships get master degree

3-New challenges for experiencing ship crews.
-After rookie ranhks standart battles wont provide experience. Thus We need to fight around a black hole or a collapsing star to gain experiance.
-After Veteran rank only some special quest bonuses will provide experience for ships.

So, it will be hard to get high ranks but effective.

Other brand new Ideas:

Brand New Academy
Brand New Ground Battle

Updated 23 days ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 4, 2017, 11:31:26 PM

I don't see why rookie can't be a part of advanced Tactic. "Fly there, shoot there, then maneuver!" - it's all understandable from very begining of training. Veteran can do it better, but rookie can try too.

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7 years ago
Dec 5, 2017, 12:07:48 PM

As someone with non-combat military training (which was basically enough for guard duty), there's definitely a lot of skill required for even something that looks so simple as "Fly there, shoot there, then maneuver!". 

How about making some kinds of weapons and defenses more reliant on skill and others less reliant? The ones more reliant on skill would be worse if used by unskilled crews but better for skilled crews. That way if you find youself with underexperienced crews, you should invest in easier weapons.

As for tactics: I'd leave that to the Heros, though crew skill might influence how well the ship can pull off the manueveres.

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