Ship experience system is too minimal and I want it to be more vital for space battle. Why ? Because in a real battle crew experiance would be one of the most important factors, However in es2 I dont mind my ships' experiences much. even if I do I can't calculate their effects.
1- First of all we need more efficient and realistic effects for ship ranks...
-Module efficiency: It's Basic a veteran crew would use ships weapons better than rookies.
-Veteran slots: Extra slots may require a specific ship rank to be effective.
-Tactic choosing: Some battle tactics may require a ship rank to use. Thence I dont use my rookie ship in my more experienced fleet.
2- New rank level for master degree crews:
-Master Degree fleets can use some special tactics.
-Master Degree flotillas gain some bonus.
-Master Degree Ships can use some special modules.
-Master Degree fleets can use some race specific abilities such as a Mavros battle tactic.
-One random bonus for ships get master degree
3-New challenges for experiencing ship crews.
-After rookie ranhks standart battles wont provide experience. Thus We need to fight around a black hole or a collapsing star to gain experiance.
-After Veteran rank only some special quest bonuses will provide experience for ships.
So, it will be hard to get high ranks but effective.
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