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System ownership should penalize industry/dust/science.

System ManagementPopulationGround Battles

7 years ago
Dec 14, 2017, 8:30:08 AM

I ran a test and presently, system ownership from taking over an enemy system only impacts three things.

1) System defense limit -- the deployment cap is a percentage of the computed maximum.  This is good.  From a game balance perspective, this rewards a defeated empire who quickly responds (or was in the middle of mobilizing before the invasion succeeded) by giving them an advantage taking back the system they lost.

2) Food -- This is not directly impacted by system ownership, but is indirectly impacted via the system approval rating.  Seems fine.

3) Influence -- Just like food, this is not directly impacted by system ownership, but is indirectly impacted via approval rating.  Seems fine.

That's it.  Industry output of a conquered system?  100%.  Dust output of a conquered system?  100%.  Science output of a conquered system?  100%.  That makes zero sense from a logic perspective.  A conquered population that is 92% owned by their former empire and only 8% owned by the conquering empire should be sandbagging their efforts in the hope of rescue.  From a gameplay perspective, this almost completely devalues the penalties for destructive invasion?  Why bother picking a surgical guerilla invasion tactic that preserves infrastructure instead of picking system bombardment or blitz and just use the 100% industry output of the system to rebuild whatever you broke?  It also trivializes the penalties to armor and air troops in the troop breakdown of the attacking empire.

Holding a conquered system should be hard.  Holding a conquered system should demand resources from the invaders.  Consider the following:

1) An invading empire declares war and immediately deploys an invasion fleet to a defending system.

2) Using a 50% infantry + 30% armor + 20% air troop composition, he blitzes the system without sieging to try to take it quickly.

3) He takes the system in a few turns, but in the process destroys the system defenses, food improvements, and happiness improvements.

4) Since he blew up all the food improvements and happiness improvements, the population is dying off.  He can only ship out three per turn via the starport.  He wants to rebuild them.

5) Since he blew up all the system defenses, the defense cap on the system is just the minimum 200 which is further impacted by ownership.  He wants to rebuild them.

Now, if industry output were impacted by ownership, his only option to remedy his immediate needs would be to buyout using dust -- holding a conquered system should demand resources from the invaders!

Lastly, I saw another idea regarding the overcolonization penalty.  I think that a conquered system for which I have 8% ownership should only count as 8% of a system towards the colonization cap.  Since fractional approval rating is possible, I don't see why a smooth overcolonization penalty for fractional colonies isn't possible.


Updated 3 months ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 14, 2017, 11:30:27 AM

There has to be more balance. Diplomatically, conquering and blowing up planets should lead to strained relations with other factions. There needs to be more cost to conquering a system like you suggest. It should take a long time to make conquered systems profitable, giving time for other factions to respond and possibly retake the systems. 

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