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Vine network while in Alliance

System ManagementPoliticsMajor Factions

7 years ago
Dec 25, 2017, 2:48:06 PM

Currently, if alliled with the Unfallen, they can vine your systems and cut into your systems' science production. I propose that there should be more ways to interact with said network. suggestions as follows 

 1) With a cooperative protocol you could remove the malus from the vine network. 

2) Diplomatic message to stop ships vining your system (much like the request to stop leaching for vodyani)

3) Sever the vine connection using a construction (with political ramifications such as distrust or pressure). 

Updated a month ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 19, 2018, 4:41:25 PM

How do Vines cut into science production? From what I understand all Vines do are increase Food production, increase movement speed along them, and count as the Unfallen's sphere of influence.

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