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More end-game techs


7 years ago
Jan 20, 2018, 2:54:52 AM


The biggest issue I have with ES2 is the small number of impactful end-game techs, especially when put next to the four "Endless" techs. 

It feels like I'm building up for this amazingly efficent and awe-inspiring empire, when my scientific grasp reaches the "Endless" technologies and I have to almost make up excuses to explore other technologies instead. Seems somewhat unecessary.

What I propose is the following:

1. Make the endless technologies 15-25% more expensive to research for each currently unlocked endless tech. Consequently nerf the science endless tech or tie it up more closely to the science victory.

This should make the science victory harder to achieve (which personally feels like it is much easier than the other victory conditions), as well as incentivising researching other techs in the outhermost ring.

2. Add two more technologies to each section of the outermost ring in the tech tree.

This is to add more flavor and glory to the end-game which, as stated above, feels like it is missing something. Here are a preview some of my ideas of what those techs might be:


  -> Composite Weapon Mods:

Weapon mods built out of a combination of titanium/hyperium and antimatter/adamantian, respectively. Strenght on the level of orichalcix/quadrinix and providing a strategic alternative to them, both combat-wise and as a matter of resource management.

  -> Home system wonders:

Provides a free wonder in the players home system as well unlocking building the same wonder in conquered home systems. Grants FIDS per destroyed CP on empire, a % reduction in fleet maintanance on empire, and a manpower boost on the system.

-Economy and trade:

  -> Trade mastery:

Passively increases the amount of non-dust FIDS gained from trade routes.

Unlocks a third investment slot in the trade and commerce window that increases all FIDS and resources gained and is independent of past corporate investments.

  -> Resource wonder:

Unlocks building of wonder that increases all resource yields on system by 3, as well as increasing science and dust production by 1% per luxury yield and food and industry production by 1% per resource yield on system.

Allows conversion of luxury and strategic resources into empire-wide FIDS boosts that become more expensive for each time it is used.

Science and exploration:

  -> Stacked planets:

Passively grants +1 population slot on planets.

Unlocks building that grants +1 population slot on small and tiny planets.

  -> Choose your side:

Unlocks two system improvements, only one of which can be active on a given system at once. One grants defensive bonuses as well as bonuses depending on number of allies, the other grants a flat bonus per system level, doubled if not in an alliance as well as an approval bonus per empire at war.

Empire development:

  ->Super endless wonder:

Passively grants additional bonus on endless wonder: -% upkeep on system.

Unlocks building of "super wonder" that requires endless wonder on system.

   -> Influence dump:

Passively increases influence produced by 10% on empire.

Unlocks system improvement that costs tons of influence and grants empire-wide bonuses.

Updated 2 months ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 20, 2018, 3:09:07 AM

Eh, it's kinda late here and reading over my post I realize I've made some grammar mistakes as well as some odd wording here and there, apologies for that.

Also, I want to add that since the military tree already has so many techs that if new ones were to be added, four of the existing ones ought to be fused togheter into two.

Stay curious.

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