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Update Galaxy Generation to be more balanced

Galaxy GenerationGame options

7 years ago
Jan 22, 2018, 5:19:15 PM

Have generated multiple games to look at the maps I have noticed certain disturbing issues on map generation.

  • With large player counts 9+, some players must share a constellation while others are alone.
  • On Spiral galaxies the central 'empty' constellation is one third the size of a normal constellation casuing minimal struggle for control.
  • On Ring galaxies there is an empty 'central' constellation on part of the inside of the ring leaving the nearby faction an easy place to expand.
  • The minor factions are clustered in the small 'empty' constellation often causing it to be half colonized from the start of the game.
  • Some map geometries cause constellations to be cut in half leaving an additional empty constellation and one player alone in a half size constellation. (See Yellow player on 12p, Ring, Colossal, High, 50488)


  • On Constellations Many, each player should always recieve their own constellation.
  • Ring, Ovoid, and Disk-4 galaxies should not have an 'empty' constellation.
  • Minor factions should be more evenly distributed amongst the constellations.
Updated 24 days ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 2, 2018, 4:53:48 PM

On Constellations Many, each player does start on their own constellation if it corresponds to the map type. I.e. Spiral 6 with 6 players and 8 with 8.

There is some merit to redistributing the minors, but I also like the fact that you can reliably find them in the middle. It also prevents anyone acquiring the centre of the map too quickly, although disproportionately favours Horatio and Lumeris further in assimiliation. Half-approval for this one.

What I'd like to see is a generation option for the core to be more valuable/habitable than mid and outer rims.

Updated 7 years ago.
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