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Let us mod music


7 years ago
Jan 23, 2018, 8:43:09 AM

One thing, as a modder, that I particularly want is the option to add custom music to the game. Yes, I know you can mute the in-game music, and put your own music, but I like how dynamic it is.

Basically, it would be nice if we, modders, could either :

-add .wem files that would be read like any generic (not the ones specific to battle or factions) track in the game.

-Modify some "dummy" .wem files that would be already shiped in the game but were of no length and would not be played until we replaced them with our own .wem files.

I'm not asking this to be workshop compliant, although that would also be nice.


Updated 2 months ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 25, 2018, 7:28:14 PM

This is something I had commented on in the Discord, actually. The idea I had was to add the music from Endless Legend 1 into Endless Legend 2 to play along side all of the standard/neutral background music that is not tied to the faction you are, or are interacting with. 

For sure, Kuma has a wildly better idea of how this game works than I do, but I wanted to add that adding dummy files to modify seems like a stop-gap solution. If it is possible to look directly into the game's method of playing these tracks, as a playlist or which ever, that'd probably be easiest.

Though I'll admit in all fairness, that this sort of ability for modders might not be useful beyond adding the ES1 music, or for some total conversion mods, if those ever materialize.

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7 years ago
Jan 25, 2018, 7:32:14 PM

To be fair, I think making a whole new system to let us play whatever playlist we want would require a lot of work on Amplitude's part, especially because of the sound engine, although I really would like something like that. The idea about using .wem files is that they wouldn't need to redo the entire sound system while still allowing modders to add some more music (the OST kinda gets repetitive after 200 hours).

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