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7 years ago
Jan 25, 2018, 7:03:45 PM

I think from the title screen we should have a 'quick action' type fleet simulator mode. A sort of sandbox where all factions, all ships, all modules, all heroes, and all tactics cards are available.  We could design (and save) ships and assign points to heroes, then pit them in fleet battles against each other. This would be awesome for a few reasons:

1. It seems the stronger my fleets get, the less I get to see them in action, as enemy AI tends to retreat, retreat, retreat. Sometimes I just want to pack a ton of weapons onto two huge fleets and watch them blow each other up, you know?

2. I have never really bothered with any of the tactics card researches, because it is sometimes hard to imagine what they mean in practice and how they would affect the flow of a battle. If you give us a sandbox to try all of the different tactics with no stakes, it would give us a better sense of the depth and possibilities of the combat system. 

3. Similarly, it would be nice to be able to try out all the different weapon types and see what counters what and how well, again without any real stakes.

Updated a month ago.
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