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Battle Cards (Again)

Space BattlesMilitaryHeroes

7 years ago
Jan 29, 2018, 10:14:59 PM

This topic comes up alot...(I have posted this after the latest expansion release)

The battle cards are still (in my opinion) a very lack lustre part of combat.

I don't think the battle cards should do things like upgrade hull % or Shield % or modify beam damage.  They should do something truly unique; different from modules that you can already buy for ship.

The problem that range is still linked to the effects is a problem.  I just played a game using the exact same battle card (for the entire game) due to the range it provided.

Create more battlecards that do things that don't just add %'s to things the ship can already do.

Perhaps link unique battle cards to specific heroes; to make fleet combat with heroes stronger.

Perhaps allow for a choice of range (flotilla flight pattern) and a seperate choice for what effect for combat will be applied.

Updated 4 days ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 29, 2018, 10:25:43 PM

I mean a battle card that is not available to every player.  A battle card that can only be obtained by having a specific hero in your ranks; and when assigned to a fleet would open up that hero's "unique battle card" to be played during that space battle.

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7 years ago
Jan 30, 2018, 10:11:10 AM
Tempted wrote:

I mean a battle card that is not available to every player.  A battle card that can only be obtained by having a specific hero in your ranks; and when assigned to a fleet would open up that hero's "unique battle card" to be played during that space battle.

"Bigger is Better" is one such battle card, can only be used with a guardian hero whose high enough level, but I get what you're saying. A lot of the cards are pretty plain and generic, and having range built in can be cumbersome.

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7 years ago
Jan 30, 2018, 8:32:21 PM

but if you link battle cards to heroes... and those fleets that deonst have heroes assigned in? most space fights uses fleets that doenst have heroes, like plain carries or attacker ships.

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7 years ago
Jan 30, 2018, 8:34:49 PM

But i agree whit you... allowing choose the right tatic and being able to change manually the range of your ships (Medium, short , or long) could be a great advancement to the game. its difficult to use cards by they`re range, and not by they`re bonus... Because even giving a generic bonus as you say, they "force" your ship to stay at a determined range. and thats very very very bad, because the range is often much more important than the bonus the card has to offer.

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7 years ago
Jan 30, 2018, 8:36:44 PM

Maybe you should give emphasis on the fact that battle cards should have manually sellected ranges, and not based on hero ships fights. Most fights includes only normal fleets whitout heroes, and i dont think heroes fleets need to be stronger. At high level they already pack... Hmmmmm... Tiny, but signficant damage. i saw Hero ships being able to inflict 1000 attack whit 4 weapon modules. Thats alot for something that costs 0 CP, i believe.

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7 years ago
Jan 31, 2018, 11:32:22 PM

This idea is great but you need to be more specific and give some examples. The idea is not very well explained.

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