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Vodyani Arks and FIDSI specialization

System ManagementShip DesignEconomy

7 years ago
Jan 29, 2018, 11:12:48 PM

One way to address the Ark specialization would be to create generic "system support" modules to be used when designing Arks. This module will be used to reserve the slots you want to dedicate to FIDSI in the ship layout. Move the actual FIDSI/Essence module selection to a separate interface that is accessible from whisin the system view. Cost/level of the "system support" module can be tied to the Ark hull level and determine the level of the FIDSI improvement it can house.

As an example while designing an Ark, you use seven tier 2 "system support" modules - now once an Ark based on this template is build and parked in the system up to 7 FIDSI modules (Tier1 or Tier2) can be toggled on. In odrer to use a higher grade FIDSI modules, the Ark design will have to be upgraded with the next tier "system support" modules.

This will allow to reconfigure the Arks on the fly, similar to how system exploitation works. 

Updated 2 months ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 30, 2018, 10:06:48 AM

I've only played as Vodyani once but your idea does seem like a big quality of life improvement. Constantly having to alter the ship design just to change a couple of system modules is tedious.

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