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All old factions present... in some way.

FactionsMinor Factions

8 years ago
Nov 16, 2016, 5:58:00 PM

Given that Endless Space 2 is broadly the same universe as ES1, it makes sense that all factions from the original would all be present in ES2.

The ES1 art exists, stories are written, even some quest events exist. The big piece of work to import them would be making sure they had a gameplay niche and fit with the new ES2 factions.

While this would not satisfy everyone:

1. Implement ALL races from ES1 and ES2 into the minor faction system. Including the potential major faction races(especially when they are not present as a major faction in a particular game).

2. Allow every minor faction aesthetic to be used as the basis for creating a custom faction. This would allow individuals to recreate the original factions without requiring the diversity and gameplay work that ES2 is aiming for with Major Factions.

Updated a day ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

All Amplitude-created factions from Endless Space 1 are now present as a major or minor faction in Endless Space 2. The Automatons, however, are a special case as they were a community created faction.


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8 years ago
Nov 22, 2016, 1:52:34 PM

I understand devs decision regarding bringing new major factions from ES1, while half being new. But as I everyone, I have my preferences, and want my favorites from ES1 back.

Time ago I created this post, asking for all majors as DLC, as I like to have all them again.

If this isn't feasible, I support you idea to be able to use minor faction art to allow players recovering its favorite ES1 from a custom faction.

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8 years ago
Nov 24, 2016, 7:28:36 PM

This is a really great idea as it would allow players to play as the minor factions and recreate old beloved ES1 factions. This way you don't need to create big faction quests and gameplay mechanics/balance for them. As Minor Factions they will get the ship models, population icon/perk (e.g.: +3 Science on Cold) and hero, so a big part of what this needs is already available.

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8 years ago
Feb 8, 2017, 1:33:13 PM
lo_fabre wrote:

I understand devs decision regarding bringing new major factions from ES1, while half being new. But as I everyone, I have my preferences, and want my favorites from ES1 back.

Time ago I created this post, asking for all majors as DLC, as I like to have all them again.

If this isn't feasible, I support you idea to be able to use minor faction art to allow players recovering its favorite ES1 from a custom faction.

looking at your post, a faction creation in the endless games has a huge cost, much more than EL. Ships are expensive, art design is long.... doing 4 factions in an add on, would require an unreasonable price for the DLC. Yet adding a a faction from ES1 on a paid DLC somehow does not seem right either... tricky. We'll make sure to discuss that with you guys.

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8 years ago
Feb 13, 2017, 6:16:16 AM
Bringing old Factions back as either additional Factions or Minor Races is a good reuse of much loved game lore. I wouldn't want ES2 to be just a re-skinning of ES1 though, so I am fine with these being future DLC.
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8 years ago
Feb 13, 2017, 5:28:15 PM
SpaceTroll wrote:
looking at your post, a faction creation in the endless games has a huge cost, much more than EL. Ships are expensive, art design is long.... doing 4 factions in an add on, would require an unreasonable price for the DLC. Yet adding a a faction from ES1 on a paid DLC somehow does not seem right either... tricky. We'll make sure to discuss that with you guys.

I don't think he's necessarily suggesting you bring back all of the old factions "and" bring all their ships into the new game.  I understand you can't just import all the old ships, their hard points (which they didn't have), animations and everything straight into the new game.  They're 2 completely different games in that respect, so it's understandable that you can't simply import the ships from the first game into the new one.  I think he's simply suggesting that you bring all the old factions into the new game faction designer in some form.  Such as their portraits, maybe a few of the more basic faction affinities to choose from etc.  But you would still only choose from the available ES2 ship designs to use with your custom faction.  I think the idea is to expand the faction design options using already existing content from the first game (such as faction portraits and emblems etc) and importing those easier to import materials into the new game.  I think that at the very least, should be relatively simple to accomplish.  Although I would suggest hold a couple back in case you plan to add and fully flesh out a few unannounced future factions into the game at a later date or via DLC (but I also agree with you that simply slapping some art assets into the faction designer does not constitute a proper paid DLC).  I think the original posters operative wording "in some form" is the important part of his post.  He's not asking for a top down addition that we all understand would be asking a lot.  But we are hoping for these awesome assets to transition in to the new games faction designer "in some form".

Updated 8 years ago.
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The WISHLISTED status is given by the dev team to ideas they would like to have in the game.



status updated 8 years ago

We'll look into it, at least as minor factions for post release.
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8 years ago
Apr 15, 2017, 3:21:50 PM

This is a great idea for simple customization. The diversitiy of races is what a space game is all about! 

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8 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 6:18:02 PM

This is even more important with Horatio and Gene Splicing to have a large variety of factions represented in a game.

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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

All Amplitude-created factions from Endless Space 1 are now present as a major or minor faction in Endless Space 2. The Automatons, however, are a special case as they were a community created faction.

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