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Convert industry to approval


7 years ago
Feb 3, 2018, 9:44:40 PM

One of the things that can make a running game entirely unplayable is drop in approval. You don't really see it coming. And there's not that much you could do about it anyways (you probably had all the approval buildings built and the approval laws don't seem to make a meaningful difference in this situation). The resulting riots and forced changes between governments pretty much make it impossible to recover.

I guess you could abandon your systems to raise approval again. But that this works is the dumbest thing ever - both thematically and from a player perspective.

When I reach this point I usually try a bit longer to stabilize (with means that make sense) and when that fails I quit the game without saving and don't play for a few weeks...

I have two ideas on this. The first is a bit more difficult to implement (but is an actually solution). The second should be fairly easy to implement (and should have been in the game anyways, but is more of a workaround).

1) What I think would be better is that instead of your entire empire revolting just ONE of your systems revolted (probably one of the ones with the lowest approval) once overall approval sinks. 

That system would then break away from your empire - which puts empire approval back to "normal" (from which point it might naturally decline again).

So if you got into the downwards spiral you would lose and recapture single systems over and over again. Still very annoying, but the game would still be playable.

2) There should be an option to "convert industry to approval" (from tier 2 empire development science (or something fairly early)). This would stop the system from building anything, but keep it stable. 

I feel like this is something that should have been in the game anyways (even if option 1 is also implemented). 

In the first game you had the tax slider to do this, but in this game global tax sliders have been replaced (functionally) with the system "convert industry to ..." build options.

Updated a month ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 4, 2018, 5:45:30 PM

Any option to boost specific Systems would counteract the deterence value of Poor Habitability on Planets and Overcolonisation.

You can get a lot of value out of terraforming worlds. All my systems eventually evolve into 0 Approval buildings unless they have some penalty, because that is a good baseline.

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7 years ago
Feb 7, 2018, 10:58:02 AM

How is freezing your system counteracting deterence? Not being able to build anything in a system is a pretty strong disadvantage. All it does is enable you to play for time and maybe research a required tech instead of letting your empire collapse instantly...

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 13, 2018, 2:52:06 PM

This reminds me of the "Endless Party" building in ES1. :)

Just party all the time, no worries!

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7 years ago
Mar 17, 2018, 3:18:23 AM

Nice ideas.

I have an idea about adding a few Happiness Specialization Techs here.

+1 Happiness per Pop / +1 Happiness per Pop on Gas

+2 Happiness per Pop / +2 Happiness per Pop on Gas

I would just like more options. Your option for converting industry would be nice, especially if wrapped in an explanation including:

  • (Tier I) Propagandizing for a 20 Industry to 1 Happiness conversion ...
  • Bring back Virtualized Comms from ES1 as Tier I, as Virtualized Comm Propaganda
  • (Tier II) Brainwashing for a 10 Industry to 1 Happiness conversion ...
  • Bring back Dark Radiation Towers from ES1 as Tier II, PLEASE!

Just cap Happiness bonus at +50 on a star system

Updated 7 years ago.
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