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Building Ships simultaniously to buildings (shipyard)

Space BattlesMilitaryEconomy

7 years ago
Feb 4, 2018, 12:31:13 PM

In my experience the current game encourages you to build a few very powerful fleets and afterwards carry on improving your systems.

In order to enhance lategame fleetbuilding and combat experience, I think it would be a very nice idea to introduce a military shipyard in the military research quad, that you can build in your systems.

Systems with a military shipyard are able to build upgrades and ships at the same time.

A shipyard would have very high upkeep, or should be a unique building, in order to ensure that it s not overpowered.

Adding to this it concentrates, as the name suggests, on military ships. E.g. colonyships still d have to be build the normal way.

Updated 6 days ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 4, 2018, 4:00:14 PM

They shoulds add a technology or take one already in existance and have you have to resesarch that technology to get the shipyard. They should also make ships slightly more expensive to build to make up for the fact that you can build both ships and buildings at the same time

Updated 7 years ago.
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