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7 years ago
Feb 5, 2018, 3:14:05 AM

As we all know ships are what it take to get the job done but sadly we are lacking on hull and role options like dreadnought or flag ship, or maybe space carrier for bombers or fighter, or even customizeing bombers or fighter.

Even new tpyes bombers or fighter would be welcome.

or a thing like a ship that you can build one and only one that is king of all ships in your empire.

It would be cool have tech to discover to allow hidden or lost ship designs, be quest or planet anomy.

To give that gold rush feel that makes you want to get out there and find it. 

Here is the list of role options that are in the game for ships right now.







Entwiner (unfallen)


Leecher (Vodyani)

Ark (Vodyani)

Their are 3 Ship sizes, small , medium , large

Sad thing is their is only one class huge hull that be the Carrier.

We need a new large hull ship/role option that be the battleship, load them up and blow them up lol.

Another good choice to add to large hull class would be the destroyer.

If we did it right we could have 3 large hull class ships, not one,

Carrier/ Destroyer / Battleship. Each playing to its role of killing each other or helping your fleets when it comes to your end game of i will destory you

Should we add a support role class ship role and what would it do? would it be a  small , medium , large (ship hull) ?  

Also this dose not cover hero roles or ship tpyes. plz no trolls

Smoke bombs would be cool.

Or even raming your ship into antother as in am taking you with me out of spite.

I would love to see 


space mines, for battle.

It would be cool if you could builded the hull of ships of minor factions after they join your empire.

SHIP MODULEs are the key to wining or losing in a fight but i don't want one sided fights ether.

We need more tpyes of bombers and fighter modules.

Also minor factions, need to be able to use bombers and fighter modules for their deffending fleets, have not even seen it use once at all, as well as the carrier hull class or even bording pods.

A decoy SHIP MODULE would be nice to see in game because their is not much defense against overwhelming  long range weapons( i mean you rockets,extc.), yes their are sheilds and armor, as well as lane changing from(long,medium,short), as well Coordinant, Protector, ships class hulls and shooting down the rockets, bombers and fighter(flack cannon,extc ) but their is no module for the soul purpose of drawing damage away from the ship.

Their is more then one way you could do this for decoy SHIP MODULE, as hard point that detach from ship with its on health that forces enemy fire upon it taking damage before sheilds and armor(if hit, chance of being hit) or as a hologram of ship image displayed by the ship of itself increasing evasion. Please give your feed back on this idea to make it better. 

Updated 7 days ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 5, 2018, 4:47:18 AM

Please feed more ideas and info to build off this so we the players can make this better togehter.

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7 years ago
Feb 15, 2018, 4:54:03 AM

I would love to see 


space mines, for battle.

Updated 5 years ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 15, 2018, 5:11:13 AM

Smoke bombs would be cool.

Or even raming your ship into antother as in am taking you with me out of spite.

Updated 5 years ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 17, 2018, 5:29:27 AM

Their are 3 Ship sizes, small , medium , large

Sad thing is their is only one class huge hull that be the Carrier.

We need a new large hull ship/role option that be the battleship, load them up and blow them up lol.

Another good choice to add to large hull class would be the destroyer.

If we did it right we could have 3 large hull class ships, not one,

Carrier/ Destroyer / Battleship. Each playing to its role of killing each other or helping your fleets when it comes to your end game of i will destory you

Updated 5 years ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 19, 2018, 6:06:57 AM

Here is the list of role options that are in the game for ships right now.







Entwiner (unfallen)


Leecher (Vodyani)

Ark (Vodyani)

Updated 5 years ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 19, 2018, 6:18:39 AM

Should we add a support role class ship role and what would it do? would it be a  small , medium , large (ship hull) ?  

Updated 5 years ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 21, 2018, 3:54:16 AM

Also this dose not cover hero roles or ship tpyes. plz no trolls

Updated 5 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 27, 2018, 3:15:58 AM

All for more/varied ship types. Larger fleet sizes I think is a must along with this.

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