It's translation French to English. Sorry for possibles mistakes !
Just for yours ears ;) ! :
English version :
Hello, after playing several games with friends, and after talking, I wanted to share you 4 additions that could improve the gameplay and the immersion of the game.
-Add (as in Endless Space 1), belts asteroid but also the giant asteroids, (stable orbit as in true), in the star systems.
-Merge tech existing (Barren) or add specific technologies to be able to colonize
-Add unique enhancements and connect existing ones with the special stars (with gas, Barren... etc)
Purpose : to bring diversity and a way to defend and make damage out of combat on hostile fleets practicing blockades on naturally defensible systems (as in Endless Legend Tempest).
Example of adding possible :
Asteroid belt : Any kind of size, Interior - intermediate or external to the system
FIDSI bonus : +++ and
FIDSI minus : 0 and
and -----
, very little of
Special : -Specific system improvement:
° Barrier defenses stellar: X /tour on enemy ships on blocus
(like Endless Legend - Tempest with the port Defenses)
° Networks Cities : increase of X
.... (etc)
- High rate of various resources strategic ,
- Impossibility of planetary destruction
Giant asteroid: Large type or huge only
FIDSI bonus : +++ and
FIDSI minus : 0 and
and -----
, bit of
Special : - Specific system improvement:
°Experimental sites: production of ships + 25%
° Mobile cities: + X % additional + 1
° Military mines: increases + 2 Strategic deposit system
.... (etc)
-High rate of rare resources strategic ,
Make possible the colonization of destroyed planets, by balancing new bonuses and penalties.
- Either through technology,specific or not to a species in the 4th level of tech
- Either with a specific technology a future major species that will be integrated later in the game...
PURPOSE : promote the use of the module of planetary destruction for end economic and more or no military utility + restore utility systems 'dead'.
Example of adding possible:
On the two planets "colonized": 0 or 100 MAX for minimal defence
Terrestrial Planet destroyed:
Gas planet destroyed:
ADDING one or two MODULES special (quest or specific TECH or TECH of FACTION) to operate freely
Adding one or two module (s) for ships of exploration or support for:
- Collect Strategic or luxuries deposits of planets in systems not colonized, with minus in operating. Stay in orbit in order to continue operating.
- Take control of special systems types (Clouds of asteroid, black hole, Star collapsed, etc..) neutral and uninfluenced, in order to benefit reduced effects. Stay in orbit to continue control until the influence of another empire takes control.
Added via a module or by obtaining a competitive pursuit special, either via a technology in a stage 3 or 4, in research and Exploration or trade and industry.
PURPOSE : allow a faster operation and avoid the surcolonisation. To expand its systems rather than have to automatically play a policy of expansion, almost mandatory.
TO give ships or fleets FACTIONAL ALLIES (utility + multiplayer)
Possibility to give or to Exchange each other fleets in an ALLIANCE, or even to pay the fleets to other empires in peace.
- Either through negotiations between Empires.
-Be (like Civilization IV) by adding a specific ACTIONS menu button when you are in the empire allied.
PURPOSE: allow DIRECT military support during the wars and avoid having to go through the market to trade vessels, including between players in a multiplayer game.
That's all, feel free to comment and vote if you like ideas !
French version :
Bonjour, après avoir joué plusieurs parties avec des amis et après en avoir parlé, je voulais vous partager 4 ajouts utiles qui pourraient améliorer le gameplay et l'immersion du jeu.
- Ajouter (comme dans Endless Space 1), les ceintures d'astéroïdes mais aussi les astéroïdes géants, (orbite stable comme en vrai), dans les systèmes stellaires.
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