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8 years ago
Dec 4, 2016, 10:01:37 PM

I love the Vodyani, but there are some things that make them super awkward and easy to break.

One of the first quests you get as Vodyani is to assimilate a minor faction. The issue with this is, there isn't a really a good way to earn Essence unless you're leeching a minor faction. So I've ended up stuck with a quest I wouldn't ever want to complete because I need Essence to continue building arks and expanding. I think this quest should be reworked.

Another issue: The first minor faction I came across was the Z'vali, so they gave me the quest "The Lost Batallion". In order to complete the quest, I must search a curiosity in a nearby system. The issue is, if I complete this quest, then it assimilates the minor faction immediately - Which again, the Vodyani don't want. This is super awkward now, because I want to search the planet (it actually has some cool stuff), but if I do then I'll be forced to assimilate a minor faction. I think instead of just automatically assimilating minor factions, it should ask you "Do you want to assimilate this faction? Yes / No", that way if you're Vodyani you can say no and continue leeching them.

Ground battles are awkward as well, and the game isn't clear at all about how Arks work- The fact that you're upgrading them and not the planets, or the fact that when people are invading you, they're actually attacking your Ark. On that topic, how are they landing on your Ark for a ground battle when your Ark has guns? Being able to defend your Ark somehow would also be nice, e.x. allowing ships to join their fleet while they're anchored.

All-in-all, I think what really needs to be done is more clarity about the Arks, and perhaps removal of invasions as a whole (aren't they supposed to be leeching the people instead of fighting them on the ground?).

Updated 4 days ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV Dagart

status updated 8 years ago

The status of this idea has been changed to IMPLEMENTED as it has been implemented in the game. High five! Congratulations!


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8 years ago
Dec 5, 2016, 7:06:16 PM

Yeah, as Vodyani the last thing I want to do is assimilate a minor faction; they're my source of population growth, at least until fairly late in the game (when I already have multiple Arks, and can afford to put one or two on Alms for long stretches of time).

Unless, just MAYBE, assimilating them meant we could still Leech essence from them, in that one single system?  Treat the race's home system like a vegetable garden, and practise sustainable harvesting, you know?  (Balancing pop growth against the loss from leeching).  That would, IMO, fix the problem entirely.

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8 years ago
Dec 5, 2016, 7:11:36 PM
_Pax_ wrote:

Yeah, as Vodyani the last thing I want to do is assimilate a minor faction; they're my source of population growth, at least until fairly late in the game (when I already have multiple Arks, and can afford to put one or two on Alms for long stretches of time).

Unless, just MAYBE, assimilating them meant we could still Leech essence from them, in that one single system?  Treat the race's home system like a vegetable garden, and practise sustainable harvesting, you know?  (Balancing pop growth against the loss from leeching).  That would, IMO, fix the problem entirely.

I like this idea a lot.

Also I still get silly messages from time to time that say "All the population from x planet has been leeched!" but then I continue getting the exact same amount of essence...

iDrunk wrote:

Looks more like "fix" than "rework"

Yeah, I probably used the wrong wording. Oops

Went ahead and changed the title.

Oh, and what's up with the Militarist party immediately steamrolling the Religious party? Their whole existence, state of being, and way of life is based around their religion- But as soon as you make a few leechers to carry out this religious quest, your people suddenly become overwhelmingly Militarist?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 5, 2016, 7:59:18 PM

It seems like there is a fix in the works from the Devs for being able to harvest essence from assimilated minor factions, if I'm interpreting Meedoc's comment in this  thread correctly:



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8 years ago
Dec 12, 2016, 12:15:15 AM
AquaticSonarKey wrote:

It seems like there is a fix in the works from the Devs for being able to harvest essence from assimilated minor factions, if I'm interpreting Meedoc's comment in this  thread correctly:



Seems like it! Thanks for the link. I'll be sure to keep my eye out for that next update then

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The GREENLIT status is given by the dev team to ideas they will really likely implement in the near future. Almost there!


DEV SpaceTroll

status updated 8 years ago

Awesome idea! The status of this idea has been changed to GREENLIGHT as it we hope to implement it soon in our game.

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8 years ago
Mar 6, 2017, 3:54:39 PM

Do you think it would be worth having something like if you brainwash them you get some essence without having to have ships in the vicinity and if you assimilate them this doubles or something?

Additionally a law or tech etc specific to the vodyani where by you can harvest assimilated factions at the cost of population dieing off if you over do it could be interseting as you could use it as a suppliment to temporarily increase your essence income at the cost of possibly losing minor faction populations.  But you could also use this to then replace them with additional vodyani population if you would rather have a "pure" population on a planet :).  You could have this applied like the dust to essence thing which block the construction que or even have it allow you to essence drain yours or allied systems with your own ships.  You could even have this cause population happyness to drop  (if vodyani are there though it would reduce the drop rate) which could cause rebellions unless there is a piece of tech or you could use influence to keep them brainwashed during the essence drain etc.

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8 years ago
Apr 14, 2017, 6:13:16 PM

I found in my most recent Vodyani game that I would basically brainwash to get directly to the evacuate system option, so I could put an Ark there, or just get rid of the minor faction so they would stop producing pirate ships that I would have to worry about.  This doesn't really make sense, as when other empires assimilate a minor faction they take control of the system and get the population.  Other empires are rewarded for the investment of influence, time, and dust, far more than the Vodyani.

I would suggest that if you brainwash the minor faction:  you actually take control of the system, in addition to receiving the faction trait, the resource income from being at 100% diplomatic relations, and the 25 essence per turn.  If you control the system, you cannot leech from it, they stop producing pirates, and you can put special actions in the build queue.  These actions would be the demands of the Vodyani:

"Servants of the Church" +X additional essence per turn

"Abandon all Wealth" +X additional Dust per turn

"You Reap what you Sow" +X Food per turn to the closest friendly Ark system

"Revel in our Wisdom" +X additional Science per turn

"The Great Journey" - Evacuates the minor faction from the system


These projects or demands would be the only things that could be put in the build queue and would fill the build queue indefinitely, much like propaganda.  You would get to decide what bonus you want from the minor faction, and change it if you need to.  In this way, the Vodyani aren't actually living in the system, nor are any structural improvements being made.  The minor factions are worshipping the Vodyani, and they are providing you with whatever the Church desires.  If the time comes when you want to occupy the system with Vodyani, you can choose to have the minor faction evacuate from the System, and then anchor an Ark to begin the process of really settling the system.

I think this would help make the Brainwash action more rewarding, as it frees up your fleets to go harvest essence in other systems, it stops the minor faction from producing pirates, it gives the Vodyani their choice of what resources they want to focus on, and it gives the player the ability to put an Ark in the system  if and when they are ready.

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8 years ago
Apr 24, 2017, 5:49:29 PM


You hit the nail right on the head. As it stands, minor faction assimilation is more profitable for every other race, while the Vodyani don't get nearly as much from it; Essence, Dust, and Science income, sure, but unless the razing of the system gives you Essence depending on how much population was destroyed, it doesn't really balance out.

But there's also the matter of 'what interface would a brainwashed minor-faction use'; the traditional Star-System interface but with only those construction options you proposed, or the Minor-Faction interface that was used up until that point? Because that could make the difference in terms of coding difficulty for Amplitude Studios.

Not only that, but who's to say that the pirates are completely gone from a brainwashed system? There could be the option for the system to produce a pirate fleet at the cost of Influence, but those pirates would be under your control like a pirate ship you buy from the market.

In any case, it sounds like Vodyani players want the Vodyani to be the spacefaring equivalent of the Cult of the Eternal End. XD

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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV Dagart

status updated 8 years ago

The status of this idea has been changed to IMPLEMENTED as it has been implemented in the game. High five! Congratulations!

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