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Colonization planner

System ManagementScreenGUI

7 years ago
Feb 19, 2018, 3:12:05 PM

I think Distant Worlds has a colonization planner which allows you to see all planets listed on one screen where you can filter and search them in different ways to help work out your colonization strategy.  I find in ES2 I'm jumping around a lot between systems when I'm trying to work out which new colonization tech I need, and it would make things a lot easier to have all the planets listed in the same place with their different parameters (such as size) so I can see at a glance how many available snow, or gas or whatever planets are free to colonize and compare them.


1. There are a few seconds of the Stellaris Expansion Planner in operation from 8:00 in this video.

2. This video has the Distant Worlds Expansion Planner in operation.  Pick it up at 0:30.  It only shows it in use for resources, but you get the idea.

Updated 2 months ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 21, 2018, 11:53:05 AM

This would be nice, especially for larger galaxies.

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7 years ago
Mar 6, 2018, 7:54:30 PM

Seems you beat me to the posting by a few days but it seems like this is pretty much what I was also describing in my idea for a "Galactic Empire Planning Screen".   Take a look and let me know if that's what you had in mind.  I know I added a few features (send colonizer, move pop) but basically seems to be the same.

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7 years ago
Mar 7, 2018, 3:39:01 PM

Yeah, they look pretty similar to me, except that in the other games I mention (DW and Stellaris) they separate out the Expansion Planner and the Empire Management Screen from each other, which I think is a good idea and works well.  Your idea appears to combine them, which I'm not sure is the best way of implementing this.

Also, I think DW has a button for sending the nearest colony ship, as you suggest, which is something I support.

Updated 7 years ago.
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