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More Variety and Consistency with Orbital Structures

System ManagementScreenMajor FactionsGalaxy Generation

7 years ago
Feb 23, 2018, 2:10:17 AM

I love the new space stations that orbit colonized planets. I think everyone can agree -- way cool. But, I think there could be various improvements -- almost all centering around better immersion.

1. Object Permanance. 

When I (say I'm playing as Horatio) conquer a UE system, all the orbiting structures immediately convert to Horatio stations. Now, I feel like this is a little unrealistic. I think if an orbiting structure is built, it would be permanent throughout the game. Orbital stations can be reoccupied by new factions, but it would be a bit inefficient to destroy all orbiting structures and rebuilt different ones (unless you are Cravers, death to the weak). Any structures built following an invasion will be of the invading faction, but anything built prior still stays as the original faction's models. That way if a system changes hands a few times, you'll have orbiting structures from multiple factions which kind of chronicles system ownership over the course of the game. I think it could add a little flair and individuality between systems.

2. Unique buildings. 

There aren't a ton of system improvements that appear to be orbital stations, but the ones that are could be rendered orbiting planets as well. The few I can think of off the top of my head are Trading Companies, the ITER (is that right? The science wonder?) and the Obelisk of Space Time. EL built custom districts for all its wonders and they were awesome additions to your cities. I think there's no reason not to include them as orbital stations in ES2 systems. It would just add a little more reward to your accomplishments. And. Look. Sweet. You could even go a bit farther and add minor adjustments to the planet skins when building land-based wonders such as the Endless Amusement Park or the Trade Clearance Beareau. It wouldn't even have to be 3D, just alter the mesh a little bit to produce the illusion that there is a massive complex on the ground somewhere on the planet. Again, all this would just add a bit more color and variety to the already beautiful systems we are so lucky to enjoy.

If anyone has further suggestions towards embellishing the system view, please include them! This game is pretty, let's make it prettier!

Updated 6 days ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 6, 2018, 12:04:03 AM

I love the object permanence idea, but for the old stations I like it when they change, I just feel this could be implemented better. So when you're let's say the Riftborn and you conquer a Lumerian System, over time, those orbital stations should be converted/change in appearance. As the facilities are probably different in each system, and the orbital stations might be changed due to a rulers personal preference (Horatio, his are obviousllyy more perfect than the UE) or for efficiency. 

But for Wonders or other massive buildings that may or may not be included in the game, I think object permanence should keep them around even after an invasion. 

Even the Horatio wouldn't invest the resources to tear down a Space-Time Obelisk or an Endless Research Park. 

Though for trade companies I'm not really sure, I mean the Cravers would probably take joy in blowing it up but the other factions may just leave it y'know

(you're totally correct about ITER lol) 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 6, 2018, 12:25:37 AM

Yea I was thinking similarly while I was posting. My head was in Craver methodology -- I feel like they'd love the explosions. But Horatio, well, heresy is all that is not Horatio, so yea it makes sense that they would be torn down and rebuilt in one turn. XD

It would be pretty cool to have them slowly convert over time as well. That would just be even more variety in system appearance turn to turn.

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