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Show Approval Over 100

System ManagementScreenGUI

7 years ago
Mar 7, 2018, 3:34:51 AM

It's useful to see how much of an approval "buffer" a system has before changing approval category (e.g. from ecstatic down to happy or content); for instance, this helps decide whether I should start building a new approval-related improvement in preparation for a bonus that's about to wear off.

The fact that all approval values above 100 are displayed as 100 makes this needlessly difficult.  That only tells me I'm at least 15 points above the "ecstatic" threshold; if I'm about to lose 25 happiness when the New Colony Rule bonus wears off, that's not enough information.

(If you are concerned this might confuse new players, you could have a toggle the player has to switch on before numbers above 100 are displayed.)

Updated 10 days ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 31, 2018, 3:37:17 AM

They could display the un-truncated value in paranthesis 100 % (435 :P) ..  I ofthen waste turns (industry penalty) with toys for boys on for too long until I realize I could've swapped for something that adds science or production instead of nerfing it .. Maybe a simple  mod can achieve this ?  

BETTER YET - have it throw pop-ups when system approval is above 100% ... Bro  10 of your 20 systems are above 100% approval .. (you can go through the system view to see by how much) ..You might want to do something about that (colonize, change laws )..

Updated 6 years ago.
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