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7 years ago
Mar 13, 2018, 11:02:13 PM

Okay so this idea was actually inspired by @Torahel's comment 

Maybe an improve custom faction creator could allow it.

"It" being a reference to this thread, which is about hypothetically making some minor factions as major factions. 

So improving the custom faction creator could be:

1. Choosing the image that goes along with your main population (I can't mod/code so I don't even know if this would be possible though)

2. Being able to make a custom faction whose population is one of the minor factions. 

3. Having more freedom when designing the homeworld of your faction. 

4. If Pirate/Minor Faction ships are ever expanded, then being allowed to choose those ships over others. 

(for ground troops, the minor factions ground troop models are already added in game, so I figured it'd be possible to choose those too). 

None of this is a critique against the custom faction creator though, I actually really enjoy it and use it a lot, but I think it can be improved or give more freedom to the players to create factions that aren't just reworked versions of only the major factions. 

Also, I think it's good to note that some of these changes complicate with the Gameplay/Visual Affinity, but honestly I feel as if that needs a change too. It's a bit weird that I have Horatio ground troops fighting for a custom Vodyani with the Gene-Splice affinity.  

Anyway, add any changes you would want in the comments and I'll put them in here with your name and stuff. 

(These are my other ideas)

Cheers ! 


Updated 15 days ago.
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6 years ago
Nov 27, 2018, 8:23:12 PM

I would love to see the Custom Faction Editor get more work.

New Traits not associated with the Major Races.

New Detriments.  (This one is in critical need)

Mixed Trait / Detriments.

Customization of Racial Techs.

Ship art not associated with the Major Races.

These are aspects I love to see worked on.

My two favorite races were made ineligible after the recent update cause both used Price of Perfection which got badly nerfed.

I can't make up for it cause of the count limit.

I feel the count limit should be removed.

Players should be allowed to mix detriments and traits as they wish.

Another option would be Trait / Detriment groups.

Example if one takes the traits Big Fleets 1 & 2 then one could take Behemoth Builders without using a Count Slot.

Or Deadly Weapons, Optimal Defense, & Fast Travelers could group as a 2 Count instead of 3.

Same with detriments Humane Weapons, Sub-Optimal Defense, and Wary Travelers could group as a 2 Count instead of 3.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Nov 28, 2018, 12:29:28 AM

I agree with all of this; also personally I would like to see an expanded amount of custom faction icons (it's a small thing, but it's kinda boring using the same old ones after a while and the mod is just using the Greek language which isn't the same as unique symbols_), and I would also want to see traits such as increasing the home planet starting size, adding moons to the home planet, and like you said, non-major faction associated traits. 

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