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Major Factions as Minor Factions and Sophon Becoming Mavros Meta-Story Option

QuestsPopulationNarrativeMinor FactionsMajor FactionsFactionsExplorationEvents

7 years ago
Mar 17, 2018, 3:43:29 AM

Part 1: More Options to gain Major Faction Populations/Variants

I would like to see some humanoid Major Factions appear rarely as Minor Factions. These could include Imperials and both Mezari and Sheredyn variants, Sophons and Lumeris.

Add Imperials, Mezari, Sheredyn, Vaulter, Sophon, Lumeris, Craver, Unfallen, Horatio and Riftborn to the list of possible populations found when searching curiosities.

More events similar to Lost Horatio that can introduce minor faction and major faction populations (with accompanying side-quests) to your empire.

Part 2: Meta-Story Option to Change Sophons to Mavros

Similar to the option for United Empire to go the route of Sheredyn or Mezari, I would like to see a quest path that can result in Sophons switching to Mavros. This would be both fun and useful in the event a galaxy favoring hotter planets spawns. Currently, using Sophons in a galaxy devoid of cold planets can be quite detrimental to the efficiency of Sophon Pops, especially with the current one-way Terraforming system.

Updated a month ago.
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7 years ago
May 7, 2018, 4:50:36 PM

I liked it. But you have to think something further: If major factions can be found rarely trough the game( Would be quite fun, to be honest) you have to think: What buff would they have? what faction trait would they give?

For example... if we find Vaulters minor faction... people will get... METAFOLDING??? if someone finds a cravers inside the galaxy they will get... EXTRA CP??? If they find horatio they will find... SPLICING??? 

if they find riftborn they will find... SINGULARITIES??? 

Man i dont know. but this looks really DARN cool :D

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7 years ago
May 7, 2018, 10:32:55 PM

Per population buff should be consistent with their normal buffs, but the assimilation bonuses could be very interesting. UE could use cost reduction for diplomatic actions. Mezari could use cost reduction for research costs. Sheredyn could use increased maximum planetary defense manpower per system. There are tons of things you could do. Riftborn could give reduced costs for outpost actions.

I like your ideas, keep em coming.

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7 years ago
May 8, 2018, 1:41:48 PM

No man. riftborn HAS to give singluraties as a trait! otherwise, NO FUN MAN!!! 

You has to get it. only the best traits will be availble to us, major factions 8D

But then i thought on a point you probabilly din't thought: And if, we met OUR major faction itself? And if Horatio finds Horatio roaming the galaxy? 

I know. if Horatio assimilates Horatio, we will find a... Trait Upgrade. this means to assimilate other horatio in empire it will cost half amount of people to do so 8D

If we find another riftborn in falaxy when we are riftborn we get +2 singularities slots in empire 8D

If cravers find cravers they get +6 CP points total in empire compared to other factions and 50% reduced fleet cost 8D


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7 years ago
May 8, 2018, 1:44:52 PM

Plus another concept that would make these factions real, real fun: Whenever this minor faction is found... it broadcasts a signal across all the galaxy and everyone can see the minor faction and interact whit it to take its buff first 8D 

But then just a question i think the devs wont like here: If minor factions are.... minor, how can we make a major faction ... a minor faction?  like... Erhm...

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7 years ago
May 9, 2018, 6:37:29 AM

They've already made a number of major factions minor:

  • Amoeba
  • Pilgrims
  • Hissho
  • Harmony
  • Sowers

It's right up their alley.

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7 years ago
May 12, 2018, 9:51:43 PM

Finding distant members of your faction across the galaxy and gaining some kind of traits from them could be an interesting mechanic, but it would be a very delicate balancing act.  Cutting the population requirement for Gene splicing in half, for example, is quite powerful.  I wonder if this kind of idea might be better suited as a discovered technology, or better yet, a discovered solo quest with at least a couple parts that then grants you the applicable empire improvement?  It would still be a dangerous balancing act, as some of the major factions' traits are precariously balanced for scaling purposes, for better or worse.  One little tip too far in the wrong direction could easily break the game.

I do agree it would be a fascinating layer of gameplay though.

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