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8 years ago
Dec 6, 2016, 10:58:14 PM

Idea/Ultimate Goals:

Create an ability which allows fleets to warp to a target system manually by a command. Also, add additional research which justifies usage of the ability.

Issues With The Current System:

As you well know, we can't order a fleet to warp when we wish, it triggers automatically. But there are situations where one would rather wait 2-3 turns more and warp straightforward to a location, like to bypass enemy systems, elude unwanted battles, capture that precious system etc.

Approach Proposal:

Add a "Warp" command button to fleet actions, like one of those "Guard", "Launch probes" etc. It is unlocked by a corresponding research (Era II most likely):

  • Empire improvement "5th generation telemetry" - unlocks "Warp" ability for all ships;
  • System improvement "Warp beacon" - Unique Scientists, removes "Warp" ability penalties from any allied fleet entering the system, generates a small portion of Science each time "Warp" is used, the amount scales with fleet size;

Ability cast range is limited to prevent constant capital-to-capital jumps and other unwanted exploits (like current probes spam ). After the warp has finished, ability goes on cooldown (8 turns) and applies a drawback - reduced fleet speed (-30%) and disabled free movement until the ability is ready again. Looking forward to ship modules revamp, I could suggest this ability would change it's cooldown/drawback penalty power according to the resource used to produce engine, e.g. hyperium/antimatter made engines would have less fleet speed penalty etc., if the module system described in other thread will be implemented of course.

Next, to scale this a bit, add an Era III research, which unlocks the following:

  • System improvement "Warp disruption facility" - Unique Military, enemy ships within the influence of upgraded system receive fleet speed penalty, enemy free movement is disabled in the area too, hence, "Warp" ability is unavailable. This upgrade can be revealed by probing or entering the system;
  • Empire improvement "Advanced containment fields" - "Warp" ability cooldown reduced to 4 turns, ability fleet speed penalty reduced to -20%.

Ultimately, I would like to see more actions available at galaxy view level, like this one. So many options

Updated a month ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 7, 2016, 6:19:51 AM

Oustanding ideas.

I had thought of the need for manually traveling warp, but never would I have imagined such an interesting and compelling proposal surrounding it.

Big UP

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8 years ago
Jan 9, 2017, 5:47:36 PM

ES1 had manual warping, it was balanced by being slow, or to be more precise that a point of warp was much smaller than a point of regular FTL. I just want manual warp back.

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8 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 9:26:34 PM

I'm chiming in here because after playing for ~40 hours since release, it really blows my mind that the manual warp feature of ES1 was removed. Good lord, why?

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7 years ago
Jan 12, 2018, 2:41:30 PM

I assume it was removed to help establising front line systems that act as choke point, so there is less hit & run game-play with fleets chasing each other around, never getting caught. Less cat & mouse game-play.

I would also wish for manual warp, but it should be restricted by proximity of enemy presence. Cat & Mouse fleet game-play on a free-roam space would be very micro-management intense and thus annoying.

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