As of Update 1, hero experience grows at very different rates when comparing a fleet-based hero (admiral) to a system-based hero (governor). Admirals level up..... very...... very....... slowly, especially compared to a governor of a high-output system. This should be changed, primarily by attaching a reasonable XP gain to fleet actions - not just idling around one of your star systems, but actually doing stuff.
The primary problem is that fleet actions - exploring the map, discovering new factions, finishing curiosity expeditions, space battles and system invasions - don't provide much experience for Admirals and the fleets they lead. I'm not sure if exploring even nets any experience, and it should. Isn't it a theme in Star Trek and other science fiction shows that the experiences of traveling and exploring the galaxy increase the knowledge and ability of a ship's crew?
In addition to a base experience gain that all heroes get every turn - say, one or two XP/turn - there should be experience gain for fleet actions as I have described. I don't have any specific numbers for experience gain changes, but I think it would be a good idea to implement something. By making fleet actions gain Admirals experience at a pace that is competitive with planetary governors, you incentivize people to actually use Admirals, and to do as much with them as they can. And that increases playability, investment in the game, and possibly narrative as well.
Currently it's not worth trying to level up a hero by attaching them to a fleet. I level up my Admirals much faster by assigning them to be the governor of a developing system than I do by having them participate in epic fleet battles with rival empires, or by exploring new constellations discovering all that lies within. This should change, and I think that my proposal would help.
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