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logo amplifiers simplified
7 years ago
May 7, 2018, 5:19:23 PM

In a game with many A.I. players, they will frequently send you petty demands for varying levels of dust or worse. With the promise they'll be grumpy for a while if you don't give in. The problem is that if five or more A.I. players revealed, you'll soon be inundated in demands for tribute.  First you'll get the message they want tribute. Then you'll get the message demanding it. Then after you refuse, they'll send a message where they're mad you didn't pay. Then later they'll send another message that they've chilled out. With five or more AI players, that translates to almost constant message spam. Worse, I've had the pop-ups trip me up and cause me to misclick. 

Even worse is when you're trying to rapidly dismiss these messages and instead you accidentally pay the tribute. 

I would just like the ability to send a one-time "if you ever try to extort me again, I'll stuff and mount you" message. Maybe it'll make them a lot madder, but not as mad as I'll be if they keep harassing me. 

Updated 2 months ago.
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