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Adjust Federation balance


7 years ago
May 21, 2018, 4:58:24 PM

Federation got changed for the better, but currently it is too strong. Instead of granting +1 colonization threshhold for each hero, change it so that it only grants +1 colonization threshhold for overseer and governor heroes. 

These Heroes are supposed to sit on systems anyway, so it makes sense. Its not really fair to have 10 heroes and easy Conquest victory each game just from buying all heroes off the market and getting some naturally/ from Quests. 

Updated a month ago.
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7 years ago
May 26, 2018, 9:08:32 PM

I don't think its really that overpowered currently. Once you get the +1 colony threshold building you can quickly make that bonus useless if you can level up a majority of your systems to build it. Though, i'm not a real expert on balance.

If it does need a nerf, having it only appy for heroes assigned to systems would work the best, IMO. 

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