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Re-balance Cravers for boarding pods

Space BattlesMilitaryMajor Factions

7 years ago
May 23, 2018, 6:59:42 PM

The addition of boarding pods with the Vaulters expansion was a great thing. However, it doesn't make sense that a bunch of humans would be the ones to get a unique boarding pod module with extra bonuses.

Cravers are made for war according to the lore and their gameplay stats should reflect it in all things, including boarding pods! Please rebalance them to have a fitting gameplay bonus for their use (unique module).

Updated 11 days ago.
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7 years ago
May 24, 2018, 2:06:32 AM

They should definitely have some sort of bonus using boarding pods, as they should be the strongest infantry in the game as well; considering they're basically an AI strapped to a mass of muscle, anger and hunger. 

Another idea that also falls in line with would to give them kamikaze squadrons. They don't really seem like the types to have the finesse for dog fighting or precision bombing. why bomb something to ash when you can just eat it? 

It would add an additional threat and consideration to Cravers as they're likely to cause long term damage through manpower depletion for the next fleet to finish you off. 

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