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A D&D style game that is 2-6 players


7 years ago
Aug 5, 2018, 1:16:15 PM

So you log onto a server thats password protected(this can be bypassed by being invited) or join one of the public servers. There is one Dungeon master and the rest are adventurers. The DM is given 3 different lands to choose from and where certain biomes are. They also get the choice of where their adventurers start. He can setup hidden traps and random encounters and dungeons or choose pre-made traps and dungeon or NPC's. He can create his own monster's stats and choose an avatar to represent it or buy a specifically made model maker(Or import one from a compatable source). Its all animated, eliminating the need to imagine the scene. The DM can make a religion system if he wanted where the adventurers can pray and get buffed when not in combat(except for the cleric\paladin who can pray once during battle for support). There should be a relatively easy spell system where spellcasting characters choose what spells they want(depending on their level, they will be able to choose more)from their respective classes' spell list. They will have a limit to how many spells they can cast in the form of spell slots. They will have the ability to cast the spells at a higher level spell slot to increase the efffects of the spell. The adventures will be able to sleep at whatever time they want and take a short\long rest(A short rest will regain only some of  their hp where a long rest will regain all of their hp and spent spell slots)but taking a short rest will show you a dark screen for about 30 seconds and a long rest for 1 minute unless the rest of the group is taking the same type of rest as you. Depending on what class you choose you will get a different amount of hp.

     Sorry to waste your time. just a cool idea I had. I haven't finished it but if you want to reach me heres my 

email claydonerd@gmail.com!

Updated 7 days ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 11, 2018, 12:19:18 AM

So... you want D&D 5e, but built into the Endless engine? Why not just use Roll20 or Tabletop Simulator?

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