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8 years ago
Dec 15, 2016, 4:41:26 AM

Hi everybody!

I just laying out the idea of balanced race specific super weapons which you can build during the end game phase of the game, these super weapons can be anything from ships to special buildings.

The Vodyani : A special ship that drain all the population of a planet.

The Untied Empire: Either a huge flagship called: The Will of the Empire, or a shipyard the produces three ships at the same time called : The royal Shipyard.    

Carvers: A special ship that strips down an entire planet for resources called : The Hunger or the Carver.  

And so on.. lets all spin ball some ideas about super weapons. 

Updated 5 hours ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

While we don't necessarily have faction-specific superweapons (as that term is reserved for the Planetcracker and Obliterator), we have added some powerful faction-specific Behemoth and Carrier modules.


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8 years ago
Dec 15, 2016, 4:56:30 AM

This could get interesting...  

Sophons: A Weaponized mass memory-altering device that revokes a random technology from another faction. hehe

Regarding your cravers weapon idea, how exactly would those resources be put to use?  I could see food and pop going directly to manpower, maybe.  The production could be distributed across the empire (but by end-game, I'm guessing most of the production queues will be geared toward infinite production items, and how would one manage the rest?  Science is the easy one, although one would likely have to have a more than a few researches queued to reap the full benefits (since the max science surplus each turn is merely 2x the science/turn)  

Very good idea, I think, and fits lore, but hard to implement.

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8 years ago
Dec 16, 2016, 1:51:08 AM
AquaticSonarKey wrote:

Sophons: A Weaponized mass memory-altering device that revokes a random technology from another faction. hehe

This will make Sophons bonus science affinity less useless, as you would more likely choose a tech that is not researched in early-mid, but when it is 3-4 players in game things get hard. Nice addition.

As for Lumeris: Black Market system upgrade (Unique). Steals a random ship design from another player every 10 turns (out of sudden you get a super mixed fleet :D:D:D while researching only economics). Or generates selected strategic/luxury resource each turn. Sth like that.

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8 years ago
Feb 4, 2017, 12:17:26 AM

I posted this on a similar thread  will post it here too.

Super weapons would be awesome maybe faction unique weapons ? 

The cravers get a giant device that eats everything on the enemy planet ( they have to win a ground war first) then the planet is terraformed to barren and its FIDS reduced to 0 but the cravers get a bunch of dust and increased FIDS for x amount of turns maybe even ships, the craver one inspired by the harvester of sorrows from the Annihilation comic

The sophons can use their dyson sphere thing to fire a laser beam, death star style transforming the planet into a magma planet.

The vodyani have some uber powerful people snatching beam that after x amount of turns takes all the pops of a system giving a huuge boost of escence

The united empire gets FTL nukes. 

The horatio Get something similar to the cravers they need to land on the planet first after that they can turn all of the pops into new horatios ( lore wise they kill them and use all the biomass to make more horatios pretty creepy i know)

Dont know what the lumeris could use maybe some suggestions?

This would be extremely late game tech and really difficult to research of course. 

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8 years ago
Feb 14, 2017, 1:29:01 AM

I really like that Craver idea. It creates something more to be done with ground battles besides taking territory (imagine using this on like the United Empire's largest system. RIP United Empire)

For the Vodyani you could have a super weapon (again, after winning a ground battle), that converts that planet's entire population into essence.

United Empire: Not sure about this empire, but perhaps a way to "steal" production, like say you colonize a new planet, you take the "super weapon" (not really a weapon) to another empire and essentially steal whatever non-empire-specific buildings they have installed and put them on your new planet.

Lumeris: idk, forcibly sell another empire's system to a different empire?

Horatio: beautification. Transform all population on a planet into Horatio.

dunno. I like the Vodyani idea, other ones I listed are kinda meh. But this super empire ability would be a cool feature.

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8 years ago
May 19, 2017, 7:42:12 PM

I was going to post my own suggestion but I am glad I found this first because this is what I am looking for. I will sum it up below:

Dune 2 abilities in Endless Space 2. Dune 2 was an RTS from the early 90s. 3 Factions all had their own unique super weapons and each had 1 unique tank that had it's own custom weapon only available to that race.

1 Unique faction/race Ship and 1 Unique faction/race Super Weapon for every race, all custom and completely different. 

All of them created with the Rock, Paper, Scissors theme in mind. Huge restrictions on the super weapon and make the unique ship something close to top end but not the best ship you can build with some tech that is only available to that specific race.

I am not going to go through with listing each race but you get the idea. 

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Nice to have

The NICE TO HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would like to have in the game.

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8 years ago
Aug 8, 2017, 5:22:45 PM

Since the idea has been uppgraded to nice to have, let's contiue on spinning more idea's regarding this subject.
Then we'll collect them all and have a community poll, chossing the best/fitting ones.

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7 years ago
Aug 22, 2017, 6:26:34 PM

My idea about Riftborn and Unfallen:

Riftborn: Micro Singularity Generator

A "weapon" module only fits the heavy slot of a carrier, limited to one per ship. Do no damage but give additional tactics:

      Manifold: Close-Medium-Close. %CP of allied ship double their rate of fire.

      Slow: Far-Medium-Far. %CP of enemy ship half their rate of fire.

      Double-Tap: Close-Close-Close. % of allied attacks become doubled.

      Cancelling: Far-Far-Far. % of enemy attacks Cancelled.

      Stasis Snare: Close-Close-Close. %CP of enemy ships offensively stasised, they can't attack and suffer extra damage by %

      Stasis Bastion: Far-Far-Far. %CP of allied ships defensively stasised, they suffer % less damage, and will exit battle with at least % of health regardless of their survival during combat.

All tactics can be used without cooldown but cost corresponding "Charges" stored on module-equipped ships. Charges can be replenished within border at a cost of Dust and small amount of minerals.

If a fleet have multiple modules, effects chances and powers stack. Effect chance toward allied forces capped at 100%CP, towards enemies capped at 66%CP. Effect power have no cap.

Unfallen: Light and Fire

A "weapon" module only fits the heavy slot of a carrier, limited to one per ship.

Transform all other weapons abroad the ship. Instead of merely destroy, They now "Reave" the health of target and distribute it to allied ship real-time in battle.

Health distribution prioritize small ships with low % of health within the same flotila of module-equipped ship.

Health distribution across flotila possible, but at 33% decreased effiency.

Can reave health for reaver itself.

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7 years ago
Aug 10, 2018, 2:45:31 PM

Add these wepons to the behemoths. 

Unfallen maybe activate it on a planet that has no vines and when activated it spreads vines to that and all nearby systems, and it takes forver for it to regenerate? Or it turns planets into forest like Koyasil

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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

While we don't necessarily have faction-specific superweapons (as that term is reserved for the Planetcracker and Obliterator), we have added some powerful faction-specific Behemoth and Carrier modules.

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