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Endless Space 1 Tactics and Combat

Space BattlesMilitaryHeroes

6 years ago
Sep 15, 2018, 8:13:51 PM

In the sense that different kinds of tactics will be able to counter other types(Sabotage type  counters Engineering type for example) and the fact you can choose 3 instead of 1 and perhaps some hero specific tactics that you have to pay for with dust, Overral, having the ability to choose 3 tactics instead of 1 per battle, would actually force people to watch how the battle progresses and adjust tactics based how your fleet does, which would readd a very nice depth to combat.

Updated 5 days ago.
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6 years ago
Sep 18, 2018, 9:17:51 AM

Considering the developers wanted to create a system where the auto-resolve had the exact same outcome as actively participating in the combat animations, I don't see anything of this nature being added in the future. Put simply, micromanaging the actual battle would mean better results, basically making auto-resolve a worse outcome and forcing multiplayer games to actively fight through every battle and greatly slowing down multiplayer sessions.

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6 years ago
Sep 18, 2018, 5:17:43 PM

so putting back the various categories tactics were in(sabotage,offence, defence,tactics and engineering) is out of the question as well ? That's disappointing, it added a neat depth to combat, besides micromanaging the battle yourself, could give you a better result in Endless legend for instance, if you knew what you were doing, Exactly like in Total War games, you could always auto resolve, but you could(and were encouraged to) to handle the battle yourself

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6 years ago
Dec 18, 2018, 3:09:53 PM

   I'm with the OP, the battles are a centerpiece of this game and what makes it stand out from competitiors. In Civ you get a 2 second combat animation, and in Total War you have a 15 to 45 minute contest. Endless Space differentiates here in a smooth, middle-ground fasion: you get combat mechanics deep enough to be interesting and engaging and a battle that can be resolved from initial fleet action to post combat analysis in less than 5 minutes.

They've already admitted in a recent live stream that the bulk of their players are Single Player and they are willing to cater features to their majority demographic. They could add what the OP is asking for and if it affects auto-resolve VS watch outcomes, they could add an "auto-resolve only" toggle for multiplayer hosts to choose if they they want to preserve the speed of MP games.

Updated 6 years ago.
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