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Getting new technologies from asimilated minor factions

Ship DesignResearchMinor FactionsFactions

6 years ago
Sep 29, 2018, 11:03:31 AM

Why not make it so that each minor faction has a technologie to be won if they get asimilated?

For example, a ship module that can be used, moreover, since the new factions also bring their culture (style, design), it would be great if these modules could marginaly alter the skin or shape of the ships.

A weapon module inherited from a minor faction would look different in the empire's ship.

If not modules, then also system buildiins/enhancements.

In few words,  the minor factions should not only have a resource impact but also a cultural and visual one.


Updated 2 months ago.
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6 years ago
Oct 8, 2018, 12:59:27 AM

In a way, assimilating a minor faction is kind of like getting a technology: it's an empire wide buff of some sort.  It WOULD be cool, albeit not really mechanically all that interesting, to get a ship skin from your assimilated culture.  It would mean a bit more time in the ship designer each game for marginal benefit though, unless one chooses to watch battles.

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6 years ago
Oct 10, 2018, 5:53:26 PM

Well, while I agree on the buff that the assimilation brings. This could be somehow richer than just an increase on your statistics.

Imagine getting a unique strategy card or a unique building that will give you the upperhand on one of the technologie quadrants.

The weapons/modules for the ships are just one part of the whole idea.

I think is much nicer than just getting a +% on your resources and it might give a stronger incentive to go for that or another minor faction.


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6 years ago
Oct 19, 2018, 11:16:00 PM

yea i think the minor civilisations are way to dull atm. Think the devs are aware of that.

Also i like the idea. maybe you could even get their ship designs unlocked to use them in battle.

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6 years ago
Nov 12, 2018, 9:44:08 AM

It is a bit easy to assimilate minor factions atm, so a system + a bonus trait + a tech would be too strong in my opinion, because empires starting less close to minor factions would be at a disadvantage in early game.

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