Separated fleets and tactics and improving value of mid-short distance.
In early game, rockets are unbeatable, only by another rockets.
If i can created ships or fleets with its own purpose n the battlefield. For example - 5 types of roles for ships\Ffleets:
1: sniper (long distance,ultra-high damage,unprotected),
2: cavalry (flanking role, mid-short,high-damage, mid armor),
3: defender (M\S dist., anti-flanking role + destroying "shields", mid damage, high armor ),
4: shields (S dist., ultra-high armor, low damage,absorbing damage and offrering battle),
5: tech-ship (repair role, using chasers and bombers, available in 2nd age).
So we can balance not even a weapon, types of engines, armor-role and even create different tactics (from usual to rare and impossible) for each race and admirals.
For example:
UE prefer balanced roles, they have every type of role.
Cravers - only short\mid fight, they prefer to rush and flank.
Sophons - long distance, destroy enemy before he can beat them in close combat.
Vodyani - they have dreadnaught type on start, they prefer to overlive and absourb damage when they metodically destroying enemy ships).
Lumeris - mid combat and feature of AI - more flexible in tactics.
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