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Alliance addition with Player and Ai requires consent

Game options

6 years ago
Nov 9, 2018, 7:02:51 PM

So as things stand atm if you join an alliance with another faction that other faction can also add other factions to that alliance without restraint or consent.

I would like to suggest it be changed such that once you are in an alliance with another faction that in order for someone to add another faction either You need to agree with the ai is looking to add someone else or your ally needs to agree if you are looking to add someone else before they actually CAN.

In most games once you have allied or if you are a strong faction the ai faction you are allied with starts adding others they consider a risk indiscriminately and suddenly you go from an intentional small alliance to suddenly have a full five faction alliance making have the game maps play no longer relevant.  This needs to be restrained so the ai does go allying with everyone.

Updated 5 months ago.
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6 years ago
Nov 24, 2018, 10:34:53 PM

I wouldn't mind this, but I'd also include treaties. I don't know how many times the AI I allied with ended a war I was in the middle of when they were halfway across the galaxy.

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