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Obliterator changes (mild nerf idea)

VictoryShip DesignMilitary

6 years ago
Dec 25, 2018, 5:04:16 AM

I think many people are onboard with the idea that the Obliterator is too good at achieving supremecy victory. As soon as I got the dlc, my first game (I played with AI to test balancing and thank god I did) as the AI all rushed the Obliterator tech and began lighting up the cosmos, I had to repair my star system shield on my capital a million times and pretty much devoted all my resources for the rest of the game on not dying. Now I'm not gonna lie, the idea of a giant spaceship that is a beam weapon of death so strong it can destroy star systems, is fucking awesome, but the fact that both players and the AI just spam production and use of them is just stupid so here are a few changes I would propose. (As I'm not a game developer balance isn't my strong suit so I'm suggesting multiple ideas which can either be implemented on their own in isolation or together if the devs felt it necessary).

1- [Limit the ammount of Obliterators that can be made at once], there may be a cap that I'm not aware of but i know its higher than 3, as I made 3 myself in my last military game. Even 3 is too many in my opinion as in the last 30 to 40 turn stretch of the game I just spent bombarding enemy AI's home systems, its just not cool that a constant bombardment can completely remove you from the game. (I personally think a hard cap of 2 obliterators at any one time is plenty in terms of compromising between balance and utility.

2- [Cumulative resourse cost increase per shot / or limited number of shots per obliterator]. This one is pretty self explanatory, in my military campaign the two things I focused were dust and industry, (influence too but its not as important for Hissho as they get a free war declaration.) When you had as much dust as I did, it practically let me buy all of the Orichalcix & Quadrinix on the market which made it so I could bombard with all 3 of my obliterators relatively cost effectively every 2-3 turns or so. To counter this malarky I suggest either increasing the ammount of resources it costs to fire the obliterator every time its done, or limiting the total ammount of times each obliterator can fire, after which it explodes or something forcing you to produce a new one to replace it. (I managed to fire with each around 6-8 times or so, so i'm unaware of a cap)

3- [Add an element of randomness to deter constant use] This one scares me the most but thats how I know its a good proposition, imagine if every time an obliterator was fired that there was a small percentage chance, lets say between 2-4%, that the obliterator misfires, explodes, and destroys the starsystem that it is orbiting. This would force the obliterator to need to be orbiting either an enemy or neutral starsystem when it fires to mitigate damages to your own empire, people wouldnt just be able to have their obliterators camp out in their own startsystem, safe from harm, and instead be forced to have them go out into more dangerous teritory, where they may loose the ability to defend it sufficiently protect it from being destroyed.

Please let me know your thoughts and constructive critisims. :)

Updated 2 days ago.
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6 years ago
Jan 9, 2019, 9:17:05 PM

That third one is brilliant. I don't have much else to say about it lol, other than increasing the chance that it would backfire and having techs that reduce that chance.

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