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Refuse gifts


6 years ago
Jan 4, 2019, 5:04:15 PM

At present, anyone can gift you anything without your input. Sounds great, until you realise that this includes useless techs, driving up costs of desired tech, and systems, which can greatly impact empire stability. You should always be able to reject a gift for this reason. 

Updated a month ago.
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6 years ago
Jan 4, 2019, 11:18:07 PM

Possibly even add in a modifier that may adversly alter the view of the gifting race towards you.  "Oh you didn't like the gift well we'll see how you feel when we refuse our support of this or that"

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6 years ago
Jan 5, 2019, 4:12:08 PM
acentes wrote:

Possibly even add in a modifier that may adversly alter the view of the gifting race towards you.  "Oh you didn't like the gift well we'll see how you feel when we refuse our support of this or that"

I was thinking something similar, only that it would be a minor negative effect that doesn't last long (say 10 or 20 turns). Something not too overbearing, like maybe "diplomatic actions with this empire cost 10% more influence for 10 turns." You know, something that shows a mild annoyance on the part of the rejected empire.

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